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How to remove dataframe rows with empty objects


I have a pandas data frame with the below structure

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 13 entries, 0 to 12
Data columns (total 8 columns):
 #   Column        Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------        --------------  ----- 
 0   id            13 non-null     object
 1   case_num      13 non-null     int64 
 2   pn_num        13 non-null     int64 
 3   feature_num   13 non-null     int64 
 4   annotation    13 non-null     object
 5   location      13 non-null     object
 6   feature_text  13 non-null     object
 7   pn_history    13 non-null     object

Inside this data frame the annotation and location columns sometimes contain empty values as below:


I want to remove the rows which are empty and tried to use the below commands but none of this is working.

df[df['annotation'].str.len() > 0]
df[df['annotation'].map(lambda d: len(d)) > 0]

output of command


is as below

{'id': {0: '00016_000', 1: '00016_001', 2: '00016_002', 3: '00016_003', 4: '00016_004', 5: '00016_005', 6: '00016_006', 7: '00016_007', 8: '00016_008', 9: '00016_009', 10: '00016_010', 11: '00016_011', 12: '00016_012'}, 'case_num': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0}, 'pn_num': {0: 16, 1: 16, 2: 16, 3: 16, 4: 16, 5: 16, 6: 16, 7: 16, 8: 16, 9: 16, 10: 16, 11: 16, 12: 16}, 'feature_num': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10, 11: 11, 12: 12}, 'annotation': {0: "['dad with recent heart attcak']", 1: '[\'mom with "thyroid disease\']', 2: "['chest pressure']", 3: "['intermittent episodes', 'episode']", 4: "['felt as if he were going to pass out']", 5: '[]', 6: "['adderall', 'adderrall', 'adderrall']", 7: '[]', 8: '[]', 9: "['palpitations', 'heart beating/pounding']", 10: "['3-4 months of']", 11: "['17yo']", 12: "['M']"}, 'location': {0: "['696 724']", 1: "['668 693']", 2: "['203 217']", 3: "['70 91', '176 183']", 4: "['222 258']", 5: '[]', 6: "['321 329', '404 413', '652 661']", 7: '[]', 8: '[]', 9: "['26 38', '96 118']", 10: "['56 69']", 11: "['5 9']", 12: "['10 11']"}, 'feature_text': {0: 'Family-history-of-MI-OR-Family-history-of-myocardial-infarction', 1: 'Family-history-of-thyroid-disorder', 2: 'Chest-pressure', 3: 'Intermittent-symptoms', 4: 'Lightheaded', 5: 'No-hair-changes-OR-no-nail-changes-OR-no-temperature-intolerance', 6: 'Adderall-use', 7: 'Shortness-of-breath', 8: 'Caffeine-use', 9: 'heart-pounding-OR-heart-racing', 10: 'Few-months-duration', 11: '17-year', 12: 'Male'}, 'pn_history': {0: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 1: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 2: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 3: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 4: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 5: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 6: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 7: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 8: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 9: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 10: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 11: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 12: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms'}}

kindly advise how can I fix this.

CodePudding user response:

Use df.replace() to replace empty object with NaN data and drop rows with empty strings from a Pandas dataframe

data set

#Convert NaN values to empty string.
nan_value = float("NaN")
df. replace("", nan_value, inplace=True)
df. dropna(subset = ["column2"], inplace=True)



CodePudding user response:

Pandas has a fantastic function for dropping all rows which contain any NA values, and that is the DataFrame.dropna function:

df = df.dropna()

If you only want to drop those rows which have all NA values, then you can use the keyword argument how='all':

df = df.dropna(how='all')

CodePudding user response:

In your case do


CodePudding user response:

Here is a way to do what your question asks based on an annotation column which contains values that look like lists but are actually strings:

df = df[df.annotation.apply(eval).str.len() > 0]

Column annotation from sample input (taken from df.head(15) in your question):

0             ['dad with recent heart attcak']
1                ['mom with "thyroid disease']
2                           ['chest pressure']
3         ['intermittent episodes', 'episode']
4     ['felt as if he were going to pass out']
5                                           []
6       ['adderall', 'adderrall', 'adderrall']
7                                           []
8                                           []
9   ['palpitations', 'heart beating/pounding']
10                           ['3-4 months of']
11                                    ['17yo']
12                                       ['M']

Column annotation of result:

0             ['dad with recent heart attcak']
1                ['mom with "thyroid disease']
2                           ['chest pressure']
3         ['intermittent episodes', 'episode']
4     ['felt as if he were going to pass out']
6       ['adderall', 'adderrall', 'adderrall']
9   ['palpitations', 'heart beating/pounding']
10                           ['3-4 months of']
11                                    ['17yo']
12                                       ['M']

Full test code:

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'id': {0: '00016_000', 1: '00016_001', 2: '00016_002', 3: '00016_003', 4: '00016_004', 5: '00016_005', 6: '00016_006', 7: '00016_007', 8: '00016_008', 9: '00016_009', 10: '00016_010', 11: '00016_011', 12: '00016_012'}, 'case_num': {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0, 7: 0, 8: 0, 9: 0, 10: 0, 11: 0, 12: 0}, 'pn_num': {0: 16, 1: 16, 2: 16, 3: 16, 4: 16, 5: 16, 6: 16, 7: 16, 8: 16, 9: 16, 10: 16, 11: 16, 12: 16}, 'feature_num': {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10, 11: 11, 12: 12}, 'annotation': {0: "['dad with recent heart attcak']", 1: '[\'mom with "thyroid disease\']', 2: "['chest pressure']", 3: "['intermittent episodes', 'episode']", 4: "['felt as if he were going to pass out']", 5: '[]', 6: "['adderall', 'adderrall', 'adderrall']", 7: '[]', 8: '[]', 9: "['palpitations', 'heart beating/pounding']", 10: "['3-4 months of']", 11: "['17yo']", 12: "['M']"}, 'location': {0: "['696 724']", 1: "['668 693']", 2: "['203 217']", 3: "['70 91', '176 183']", 4: "['222 258']", 5: '[]', 6: "['321 329', '404 413', '652 661']", 7: '[]', 8: '[]', 9: "['26 38', '96 118']", 10: "['56 69']", 11: "['5 9']", 12: "['10 11']"}, 'feature_text': {0: 'Family-history-of-MI-OR-Family-history-of-myocardial-infarction', 1: 'Family-history-of-thyroid-disorder', 2: 'Chest-pressure', 3: 'Intermittent-symptoms', 4: 'Lightheaded', 5: 'No-hair-changes-OR-no-nail-changes-OR-no-temperature-intolerance', 6: 'Adderall-use', 7: 'Shortness-of-breath', 8: 'Caffeine-use', 9: 'heart-pounding-OR-heart-racing', 10: 'Few-months-duration', 11: '17-year', 12: 'Male'}, 'pn_history': {0: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 1: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 2: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 3: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 4: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 5: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 6: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 7: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 8: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 9: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 10: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 11: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms', 12: 'HPI: 17yo M presents with palpitations. Patient reports 3-4 months of intermittent episodes of "heart beating/pounding out of my chest." 2 days ago during a soccer game had an episode, but this time had chest pressure and felt as if he were going to pass out (did not lose conciousness). Of note patient endorses abusing adderall, primarily to study (1-3 times per week). Before recent soccer game, took adderrall night before and morning of game. Denies shortness of breath, diaphoresis, fevers, chills, headache, fatigue, changes in sleep, changes in vision/hearing, abdominal paun, changes in bowel or urinary habits. \r\nPMHx: none\r\nRx: uses friends adderrall\r\nFHx: mom with "thyroid disease," dad with recent heart attcak\r\nAll: none\r\nImmunizations: up to date\r\nSHx: Freshmen in college. Endorses 3-4 drinks 3 nights / week (on weekends), denies tabacco, endorses trying marijuana. Sexually active with girlfriend x 1 year, uses condoms'}})

df = df[df.annotation.apply(eval).str.len() > 0]
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