the length of the array for m, remove any of n elements of subarray, as two child elements in the array can't more than 2 repeating Such as: m=8,,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 {1}, remove n=4 subarray, Conform to the child not more than 2 repeating elements in the array digital conditions are: {1, 2, 3, 4}, {1,2,5,6}, {1,2,7,8}, {1,3,6,8}, {1,4,5,8}, {1,4,6,7}... Do not conform to the conditions of subarray are:,2,3,5 {1}, {5}... Because these Numbers of the array elements repeated more than two If m=100 has a length of the array {1, 2,... 10, 100}, remove the length of the subarray, output meet the child digital elements in the array is not more than two repeat all child array, how to implement this algorithm?
is not in conformity with the conditions of subarray are:,2,3,5 {1}, {5}.
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