Home > Back-end >  To help eldest brother see why game_music and explodes the two delayed broadcast of the concert
To help eldest brother see why game_music and explodes the two delayed broadcast of the concert


To help eldest brother see why game_music and explodes the two concerts delay play
# pragma comment (lib, "Winmm. Lib")
# define H 800
# define W 590

IMAGE img_bk;
IMAGE img_planeNormal_1 img_planeNormal_2;
IMAGE img_bullet1 img_bullet2;
IMAGE img_enemyPlane1 img_enemyPlane2;
IMAGE img_planeExplode_1 img_planeExplode_2;
Float position_x position_y;
Float bullet_x bullet_y;
Float enemy_x enemy_y;
Int isExplode=0;
int score=0;
Void startup ()
McISendString (_T (" open \ \ game_music mp3 alias bkmusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" play bkmusic repeat "), NULL, 0, NULL);
Initgraph (W, H);
Loadimage (& amp; Img_bk, _T (". \ \ background. JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_planeNormal_1, _T (". \ \ planeNormal_1 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_planeNormal_2, _T (". \ \ planeNormal_2 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_bullet1, _T (". \ \ bullet1 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_bullet2, _T (". \ \ bullet2 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_enemyPlane1, _T (". \ \ enemyPlane1 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_enemyPlane2, _T (". \ \ enemyPlane2 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_planeExplode_1, _T (". \ \ planeExplode_1 JPG "));
Loadimage (& amp; Img_planeExplode_2, _T (". \ \ planeExplode_2 JPG "));
Position_x=W * 0.5;
Position_y=H * 0.7;
Enemy_x=W * 0.5;

BeginBatchDraw ();
Void the show ()
Putimage (0, 0, & amp; Img_bk);
If (isExplode==0)
Putimage (position_y, position_x - 50-60, & amp; Img_planeNormal_1 NOTSRCERASE);
Putimage (position_y, position_x - 50-60, & amp; Img_planeNormal_2 SRCINVERT);
Putimage (bullet_x - 7, bullet_y, & amp; Img_bullet1 NOTSRCERASE);
Putimage (bullet_x - 7, bullet_y, & amp; Img_bullet2 SRCINVERT);
Putimage (enemy_x enemy_y, & amp; Img_enemyPlane1 NOTSRCERASE);
Putimage (enemy_x enemy_y, & amp; Img_enemyPlane2 SRCINVERT);
The else
Putimage (position_y, position_x - 50-60, & amp; Img_planeExplode_1 NOTSRCERASE);
Putimage (position_y, position_x - 50-60, & amp; Img_planeExplode_2 SRCINVERT);

FlushBatchDraw ();
Sleep (2);
Void updatewithoutinput ()
If (bullet_y & gt; - 25)
Bullet_y -=2;
If (enemy_y & lt; H - 25)
Enemy_y +=0.5;
The else
If (abs ((int) (bullet_x - enemy_x)) + abs ((int) (bullet_y - enemy_y)) & lt; 50)
Enemy_x=rand () % W;
Enemy_y=- 40;
McISendString (_T (" close gemusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" open \ \ gotEnemy mp3 alias gemusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" play gemusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);

If ((score & gt; 0) & amp; & (score % 5==0) & amp; & Score (% 2!=0))
McISendString (_T (5 music "close"), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" open. \ \ 5. 5 music mp3 alias "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" play 5 music "), NULL, 0, NULL);

If (% score 10==0)
McISendString (_T (close to 10 "music"), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (open. \ \ "10. 10 music mp3 alias"), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" play 10 music "), NULL, 0, NULL);
If (abs ((int) (position_x - enemy_x)) + abs ((int) (position_y - enemy_y)) & lt; 150)
McISendString (_T (" close exmusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (open. \ \ "explodes. The mp3 alias exmusic"), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" play exmusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);

Void updatewithinput ()

While (MouseHit ())
M=GetMouseMsg ();
If (m.u Msg==WM_MOUSEMOVE)
Else if (m.u Msg==WM_LBUTTONDOWN)
Bullet_y=position_y - 85;
McISendString (_T (" close fgmusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" open \ \ f_gun mp3 alias fgmusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);
McISendString (_T (" play fgmusic "), NULL, 0, NULL);


Void gameover ()
EndBatchDraw ();
_getch ();
Closegraph ();
Int main ()
Startup ();
While (1)
Show ();
Updatewithoutinput ();
Updatewithinput ();
Gameover ();
return 0;
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