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SQL Server 2000


Control panel - data sources (ODBC) how to configure the SQL Server 2000, can we make delpi7 ADO component in connection to the SQL Server database,

CodePudding user response:

 direct control of ado

CodePudding user response:

The key is how to test? , set the red box?

CodePudding user response:

CodePudding user response:

1, if it is on the database you direct lose
2, choose to use a Windows NT integrated security Settings
3, the only successfully connected, you are the second red box to drop-down list database

CodePudding user response:

Generally is a dynamic connection is better, the following is the SQL database connections,
Con1. The ConnectionString:=' ';
Con1. The ConnectionString:='Provider=SQLOLEDB. 1; Password=Password database; Persist Security Info=True; User ID=sa; Initial Catalog=database name; Data Source=server name or IP address ';
Con1. LoginPrompt:=False;
Con1. Connected;

CodePudding user response:

There are two ways this dead connection than you good!
1, with the connection string, in the configuration file storage,
. 2, use udl file (methods: your desktop in to create a new text file, change the extension to. Udl, and then double-click to open), using the way from the Internet search, simple than the connection string,

CodePudding user response:

Seems to come across as if placed application folder name with special characters

CodePudding user response:

Oh ~ ~ a lot of ways