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JAVA to answer


Write a class Point to describe a Point on the screen, requirements:
(1) of the Point class private member variables are:
X: double, on behalf of the x coordinate
Y: double, on behalf of the y coordinate
(2) Point class members of the public methods are:
Point () : a constructor, the default x and y coordinates are 0
Point (double xx, double yy) : construction method, respectively, with two formal parameter xx, yy for member variables x and y are initialized,
Double GetX () : get x coordinates,
Double GetY () : get y,
(3) and then write a UsePoint contains the main method of class, create a Point class object, and call the method defined above,

CodePudding user response:

Package com. Ar;

Public class UsePoint {

Public static void main (String arg c [])
//Point pointObj=new Point ();
Point pointParamObj=new Point (3, 5);

/* System. Out. Println (" x: "+ pointObj. GetX ());
System. The out. Println (" y: "+ pointObj. GetY ()); */

System. The out. Println (" x: "+ pointParamObj. GetX ());
System. The out. Println (" y: "+ pointParamObj. GetY ());

Package com. Ar;

Public class Point {

Private double x=0;
Private double y=0;

Point ()
Point System. Out. Print (" () ");
Point (double xx, double yy)
System. The out. Print (" Point (xx, yy) ");

Public double GetX ()
Return the x;
Public double GetY ()
The return of y;

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