Home > Back-end >  How to create pivot table entries for all of the rows available in two separate tables in MYSQL
How to create pivot table entries for all of the rows available in two separate tables in MYSQL


I need help to create pivot table entries for all of the rows available in two separate tables, basically, I have two separate tables as services and plans as below

  1. plans table
id name description
1 plan one description for plan one
2 plan two description for plan two
  1. services table
id name
1 service one
2 services two

and a pivot table service_plan where I am storing the Id of the plan and service with an extra column to store the price as below.

id service_id plan_id price
1 1 1 200
2 1 2 200

Now I just want a SQL query to assign all the services with all the available plans with a dummy price in it, so the service_plan table will look something like this

id service_id plan_id price
1 1 1 200
2 1 2 200
3 2 1 200
4 2 2 200

any help will be much appreciated, thanks.

CodePudding user response:

As per your question i think this is the simplest query you can run to get your desired result.

insert into service_plan (service_id, plan_id, price) select s.id, p.id, 200 from services as s cross join plans as p

CodePudding user response:

why the resistance to a cross join?

drop table if exists PLANS,SERVICES,SERVICE_PLAN;

create table plans
(id int,name varchar(100),  description varchar(100));
insert into plans values
(1, 'plan one'  ,'description for plan one'),
(2, 'plan two'  ,'description for plan two');

create table services
(id int, name varchar(20));
insert into services values
(1  ,'service one'),
(2  ,'services two');

create table service_plan
(id int auto_increment primary key, service_id int, plan_id int, price int not null default 200);

insert into service_plan(service_id,plan_id) 
select s.id,p.id
        from plans p
cross join services s
order by s.id,p.id;

select * from service_plan;

 ---- ------------ --------- ------- 
| id | service_id | plan_id | price |
 ---- ------------ --------- ------- 
|  1 |          1 |       1 |   200 |
|  2 |          1 |       2 |   200 |
|  3 |          2 |       1 |   200 |
|  4 |          2 |       2 |   200 |
 ---- ------------ --------- ------- 
4 rows in set (0.001 sec)
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