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Loop through JSON in JSX


I have a tree like JSON structure and it can be n levels deep. Here is an example:

"plot": {
  "population": "All",
  "gates": [
      "name": "population1",
      "plot": {
        "population": "population1",
        "gates": [
            "name": "population3",
            "plot": {
              "population": "population3",
      "name": "population2",
      "plot": {
        "population": "population4",

It starts with plot. The is the top level. A plot can have many gates. These are essentially branches. Each gate has another plot, which can have multiple gates etc.

I want to output the plot.population within JSX wrapped in a div. Here is my attempt (MultiStainState is a JSON file with the above JSON):

function Plot(props) {


  const renderPlots = (plotObject) => {
    console.log("plotObject is ", plotObject);
    if (plotObject) {
      return (

      plotObject.gates.map((gate, gateIndex) => {

  return (
          height: "200px",
        Render Plots:

This output Render Plots:All and none of the child plot populations.

This is presumably because of the return within renderPlots(). I feel like I need to use recursion here (as I have attempted to do). But I cant figure out how....

CodePudding user response:

Here is a simple rendering of a recursive component based on this article. It checks if it has a gates array of length > 0 and if so will recursively render the component

const plot = {
  "population": "All",
  "gates": [
      "name": "population1",
      "plot": {
        "population": "population1",
        "gates": [
            "name": "population3",
            "plot": {
              "population": "population3",
      "name": "population2",
      "plot": {
        "population": "population4",

const RecursiveComponent = ({ population, gates }) => {
  const hasGates = gates && gates.length

  return (
    {hasGates && gates.map(({name,plot}) => <RecursiveComponent key={name} population={plot.population} gates={plot.gates} />)}

const App = props => {
  return (
     <RecursiveComponent population={plot.population} gates={plot.gates} /> //starting point

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("app"));
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react@16/umd/react.development.js"></script>
<script crossorigin src="https://unpkg.com/react-dom@16/umd/react-dom.development.js"></script>
<div id="app"></div>

CodePudding user response:

The main issue with your renderPlots function is that if the given plotObject is non-null, the function just returns plotObject.population and never gets to the recursive step. There are some other issues with that function, but I'm going to offer a rewrite that will address those.

I'm not sure of your exact desired output format, but I'm going to use nesting <div> elements so that the DOM hierarchy matches the JSON structure.

You'll want to return a single JSX object with the recursive step within (recursion looks a bit weird in React/JSX compared to usual programming). I've also split the renderPlots function into a separate component, but that's more of a stylistic choice (I'll leave you to find a better name for the component).

Here's a simple example:

function PlotRender({ plotObject }) {
    if (!plotObject) {
        return null; // just in case

    return (
            {plotObject.gates?.map(e => (
                <PlotRender key={e.name} plotObject={e.plot}/>

Which will render as (for the given sample data):


Note also that in the outer <Plot> component, you'll likely need to pass MultiStainState.plot as the plotObject prop to <PlotRender> rather than just MultiStainState.

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