Thank you
FLastDIstance: Integer;
Procedure TForm1. FormGesture (Sender: TObject;
Const EventInfo: TGestureEventInfo; Var Handled: Boolean);
LObj: IControl;
LWeb: TWebBrowser;
The begin
LObj:=Self. ObjectAtPoint (ClientToScreen (EventInfo. Location));
If LObj is TWebBrowser then
The begin
If (not (TInteractiveGestureFlag. GfBegin in EventInfo. Flags)) and (not (TInteractiveGestureFlag. GfEnd in EventInfo. Flags)) then
The begin
{zoom the WebBrowser}
LWeb:=TWebBrowser (LObj. GetObject);
LWeb. Width:=LWeb. Width + 2 * ((EventInfo. Short - FLastDIstance)/3);
LWeb. Height:=LWeb. Height + 2 * ((EventInfo. Short - FLastDIstance)/3);
LWeb. Position. : X=LWeb. Position. The X-ray (EventInfo. Short - FLastDIstance)/3;
LWeb. Position. Y:=LWeb Position. The Y - (EventInfo. Short - FLastDIstance)/3;
The end;
FLastDistance:=EventInfo. Short;
The end;
The end;
CodePudding user response:
If (not (TInteractiveGestureFlag. GfBegin in EventInfo. Flags)) and (not (TInteractiveGestureFlag. GfEnd in EventInfo. Flags))Mainly is the how conversion, there is no corresponding statement, a header file
CodePudding user response: