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Add multiple query parameters in URL for each element


So my application atm return this URL without params localhost:3000/website/site1

Params are defined from FRONT component like a calendar modal for params1, for example i choose a date from date picker and it returns me this "2022-11-02" and if i choose a date range with end_date it returns me this "2022-06-25"

So i have localhost:3000/website/site1?start_at=2022-11-02&end_at=2022-06-25

But now i want to add something more

I created a compare website feature, i can compare 2 websites, when i click on this compare button, i need to change the URL and include the compared website, so at the end i want something like this

localhost:3000/website/site1?params1&params2 HERE INCLUDE site2 with same pattern as site1


I dont know if the syntax is correct

If this syntax doesnt work how can i make it work ?

And ofc is there is no params value(by default there is none) it should returns this localhost:3000/website/site1&site2

I did this

const compare = {
 start_at: format(new Date(dateRange.start_at), "yyyy-MM-dd"),
 end_at: format(new Date(dateRange.end_at), "yyyy-MM-dd"),
 const compared = {
        start_at: format(
        new Date(dateRangeCompare.start_at),
  end_at: format(new Date(dateRangeCompare.end_at), "yyyy-MM-dd"),
const s1 = new URLSearchParams(compare).toString();
const s2 = new URLSearchParams(compared).toString();
const url2 = new URL(window.location.origin);
url2.searchParams.append("site1", s1);
url2.searchParams.append("site2", s2);

but it returns me this http://localhost:3002/?site1=start_at=2022-06-21&end_at=2022-06-21&site2=start_at=2022-06-21&end_at=2022-06-21

I tried to use decodeURI() on url2 decodeURI(url2) but it doesnt change anything, i tried to do decodeURIcomponent() but it doesnt change anything. I'm lost

TLDR: i want each site (site1 and site2) to have their respective query parameters in URL, site2 need to have the same query pattern as site1


CodePudding user response:

When in need of query params with the same name (array-like) use a params format like: ?a[]=1&a[]=2. Just like you would when using checkboxes with the same name or a select of type multiple.

Sites only:


Sites with dates:


the only caveat is to respect the order: if you start with site "X", then the first pair of start/end dates should be the ones for site "X".

More readable:


Another valid example with different order:


Then on the back-end side, knowing that the order is predictable, you can get all your variables inside a single loop of sites length.

Also, by using the above suggestion you can use N sites with their respective start/end pairs.


// Helper functions:

const objectsToFormData = (...objects) => {
  const FD = new FormData();
  objects.forEach(obj => {
    Object.entries(obj).forEach(([k, v]) => FD.append(k, v));
  return FD;

const formDataToQueryString = (FD) =>
  new URLSearchParams(FD).toString();

// Task:

const data_1 = {
  "site[]": location.origin,
  "start_at[]": "2022-11-02",
  "end_at[]": "2022-06-25",

const data_2 = {
  "site[]": "https://example.com",
  "start_at[]": "2021-09-20",
  "end_at[]": "2022-07-13",

const formData = objectsToFormData(data_1, data_2);
const queryString = formDataToQueryString(formData);


Which will give you this Query String:


and if you need the Sites only, the exact same code will work as expected.

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