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Of new C about the price of fruit from the question, don't know what wrong


Below is my code, the output only one Apple,

Int main ()
Int m;
Char d;

Double g=0.0, sumprice=0.0, sumweight=0.0;
Double weight [4]={0.0};
While (the scanf (" % d ", & amp; M)!=(EOF)
for (int i=0; I & lt; M; I++)
Lf the scanf (" % c % \ n ", & amp; D, & amp; g);
If (d=='a')
{weight [0] +=g; }
If (d=='o')
{weight [1] +=g; }
If (d=='b')
{weight [2] +=g; }
If (d=='p')
{weight [3] +=g; }

For (int j=0; J & lt; 4. J++)
Sumweight +=weight [j];
Sumprice=weight weight [0] * 1.5 + 1.4 + [1] * weight [2] * 1.48 + weight [3] * 1.08;

Printf (" ");
Printf (" apple orange, banana pineapple sum \ n ");
Printf (" price ");
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", weight [0] * 1.5);
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", weight [1] * 1.4);
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", weight [2] * 1.48);
Printf (" % 10.2 lf ", weight [3] * 1.08);
Printf (" % 7.2 lf sumprice);

Printf (" weight ");
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", weight [0]).
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", weight [1]).
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", weight [2]).
Printf (" % 10.2 lf ", weight [3]).
Printf (" % 7.2 lf ", sumweight);
For (int k=0; K & lt; 3; K++)
Weight [k]=0.0;

return 0;

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