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Consult each great god queue problem, appreciated


using namespace std;
Typedef struct node {
int data;
Node * next;
} the node;
The class queue {
The queue ();
~ the queue ();
Bool empty () const;
Bool full () const;
Int get_front (int& X) const;
Int append (const int x);
Int serve ();
Void the show ();
int count;
Node * rear;
Node * front;
Queue: : queue () {
The front=new node;
The front - & gt; Next=NULL;
Cout & lt; <"The queue sucess \ n";
Queue: : ~ queue () {
while (! The empty ()) serve ();
Delete the front;
Cout & lt; <"~ sucess \ n";
Bool queue: : empty () const {
Return the count==0;
Bool queue: : full () const {
return false;
Int the queue: : get_front (int& X) const {
Return false if (empty ());
X=front - & gt; Next - & gt; The data;
Cout & lt; return true;

Int the queue: : append (const int x) {
Return false if (full ());
Node * s=new node;
S - & gt; Data=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/x;
S - & gt; Next=NULL;
Rear - & gt; Next=s;
Cout & lt; <"Append success \ n";
return true;
Int the queue: : serve () {
Return false if (empty ());
The node * u;
Cout & lt; <"Yes \ n";
U=front - & gt; Next;
The front - & gt; Next=u - & gt; Next;
The delete u;
If (front - & gt; Next==NULL) rear=front;
return true;
Void queue: : show () {
Cout & lt; }
Int main () {
The queue q;
Int x;
For (int I=0; I & lt; 10; I++) {
Q.a ppend (I);
For (int I=0; I & lt; 10; I++) {
Q.s erve ();
return 0;
When the team will be the problem of u is a null pointer
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