Using the namespace Dm;
Clsids clsids;//COM object identifiers
Void InitTLDm ()
If (CLSIDFromProgID (OLESTR (" dm. Dmsoft "), & amp; Clsids)!=S_OK)
WinExec (" C: \ \ Users \ \ Administrator \ \ source \ \ repos \ \ QtConsoleApplication2 \ \ Debug \ \ registered desert plug-in to the system. Bat ", SW_HIDE);//run a registered plug-in command
If (SUCCEEDED (CoInitialize (NULL)))
Retrieves the hr=CLSIDFromProgID (OLESTR (" dm. Dmsoft "), & amp; Clsids);
Retrieves the Hr=CoCreateInstance (clsids, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
__uuidof ( Idmsoft ), (LPVOID *) & amp; Dm);
CoFreeUnusedLibraries ();//uninstall without COM service
The else
AfxMessageBox (" initialize the COM component failure!" );
Dm - & gt; Release ();
Idmsoft parameter is the desert dm. LL defined within the class object I loaded the dm in my project. H
In dm. H the statement
The namespace Dm {
The class DM_EXPORT Idmsoft : public QAxObject
Explicit Idmsoft (IDispatch * subobject=nullptr, QAxObject * parent=nullptr);
But when I fill in to the CoCreateInstance fourth parameter has been an error
How to modify for guidance