But you don't succeed, bmp1 is blank
Because it is a game, so can't use ordinary PrintScree
procedure CaptureScreen (AFileName: string);
HdcScreen: HDC;
HdcCompatible: HDC;
BMP, bmp1: TBitmap;
HbmScreen: HBITMAP;
The hWnd: THandle;
RGame: TRect;
The begin![]()
HdcScreen:=CreateDC (' DISPLAY 'nil nil, nil);
HdcCompatible:=CreateCompatibleDC (hdcScreen);
HbmScreen:=CreateCompatibleBitmap (hdcScreen,
GetDeviceCaps (hdcScreen, HORZRES),
GetDeviceCaps (hdcScreen, VERTRES));
SelectObject (hdcCompatible hbmScreen);
BMP:=TBitmap. Create;
Bmp1:=TBitmap. Create;
BMP. Handle:=hbmScreen;
BitBlt (hdcCompatible,
0, 0,
BMP. Width, BMP. Height,
0, 0,
HWnd:=FindWindow (nil, 'underground city and warrior');
If hWnd & gt; 0 then
The begin
GetWindowRect (hWnd, rGame);
Bmp1. Width:=rGame. Right - rGame. Left;
Bmp1. Height:=rGame. Bottom - rGame. Top;
Bmp1. Canvas. CopyRect (the Rect (0, 0, rGame. Right, rGame. The Bottom), BMP, Canvas, rGame);
Bmp1. SaveToFile (AFileName);
End the else
The begin
BMP. SaveToFile (AFileName);
The end;
BMP. Free;
Bmp1. Free;
DeleteDC (hdcScreen);
DeleteDC (hdcCompatible);
The end;
CodePudding user response:
The game is not with them the way to screenshots,CodePudding user response:
The game? Based on the dx?It is different from the practice of normal window procedure
CodePudding user response:
No,The screenshots, can cut to DX game picture,
But is a full screen,
I think part of the game in the BMP in the screenshot to bmp1,
The crux of the problem in this section:
hWnd:=FindWindow (nil, 'underground city and warrior');
If hWnd & gt; 0 then
The begin
GetWindowRect (hWnd, rGame);
Bmp1. Width:=rGame. Right - rGame. Left;
Bmp1. Height:=rGame. Bottom - rGame. Top;
Bmp1. Canvas. CopyRect (the Rect (0, 0, rGame. Right, rGame. The Bottom), BMP, Canvas, rGame);
Bmp1. SaveToFile (AFileName);
In the game of a BMP intercepted bmp1, failed to achieve,
CodePudding user response:
BMP save to file, is the content?Then read back, intercepting again?
CodePudding user response:
HWnd:=FindWindow (nil, 'underground city and warrior');If hWnd & gt; 0 then
The begin
GetWindowRect (hWnd, rGame);
Bmp1. Width:=rGame. Right - rGame. Left;
Bmp1. Height:=rGame. Bottom - rGame. Top;
Bmp1. Canvas. CopyRect (the Rect (0, 0, rGame. Right, rGame. The Bottom), BMP, Canvas, rGame);
Bmp1. SaveToFile (AFileName);
End the else
The begin
BMP. SaveToFile (AFileName);
The end;
You DebuG the code and see rGame TRect=the packed record
In case the Integer of
0: (Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Longint);
1: (TopLeft, BottomRight: TPoint);
The end;
Did this a few parameters values
CodePudding user response: