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Windows client end socket programming!


1, without running server-side programs, run the client program, black box shows to connect to the server, and send the data to the success,,, what is this???????
2, not the server and the client connection, shown as the server of the black box in a constant state of display is listening, can't show that the connection is successful; The client's black box shows data sent successfully at the same time,,,
Program the following
The client
//* client 
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN


//Need to link with Ws2_32. Lib, Mswsock. Lib, and Advapi32. Lib
# pragma comment (lib, "Ws2_32. Lib")
# pragma comment (lib, "Mswsock. Lib")
# pragma comment (lib, "AdvApi32. Lib")

# define DEFAULT_BUFLEN 512
# define DEFAULT_PORT "27015"

Int __cdecl main (int arg c, char * * argv)
Struct addrinfo * result=NULL,
Char * sendbuf="this is a test";
Char recvbuf [DEFAULT_BUFLEN];
Int iResult;
Int recvbuflen=DEFAULT_BUFLEN;
Printf (" the from client: \ n ");

//Validate the parameters
/* if (arg c!=2) {
Printf (" server - the name usage: % s \ n ", argv [0]).
return 1;
} */

//Initialize Winsock
//The WSAStartup function is called to initiate The use of WS2_32. DLL.
IResult=WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (2, 2), & amp; WsaData);
If (iResult!=0) {
Printf (" WSAStartup failed with error: % d \ n ", iResult);
return 1;

ZeroMemory (& amp; Hints, sizeof (hints));
Hints. Ai_family=AF_UNSPEC;
Hints. Ai_socktype=SOCK_STREAM;
Hints. Ai_protocol=IPPROTO_TCP;

//Resolve the server address and port
IResult=getaddrinfo (" localhost ", DEFAULT_PORT, & amp; Hints, & amp; The result);
If (iResult!=0) {
Printf (" getaddrinfo failed with error: % d \ n ", iResult);
WSACleanup ();
return 1;

//Attempt to connect to an address until one succeeds
For (PTR=the result; PTR!=NULL; PTR=PTR - & gt; Ai_next) {

//Create a SOCKET for connecting to the server
ConnectSocket=socket (PTR - & gt; Ai_family, PTR - & gt; Ai_socktype,
PTR - & gt; Ai_protocol);
If (ConnectSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) {
Printf (" socket failed with error: % ld \ n ", WSAGetLastError ());
WSACleanup ();
return 1;

//Connect to server.
IResult=connect (ConnectSocket, PTR - & gt; Ai_addr, (int) PTR - & gt; Ai_addrlen);
If (iResult==SOCKET_ERROR) {
Closesocket (ConnectSocket);

Freeaddrinfo (result);
Printf (" jump out of the loop! \n");

If (ConnectSocket==INVALID_SOCKET) {
Printf (" Unable to connect to server! \n");
WSACleanup ();
return 1;
Printf (" connect success \ n ");

//Send an initial buffer
IResult=send (ConnectSocket, sendbuf, (int) strlen (sendbuf), 0).
If (iResult==SOCKET_ERROR) {
Printf (" send failed with error: % d \ n ", WSAGetLastError ());
Closesocket (ConnectSocket);
WSACleanup ();
return 1;

Printf (" Bytes Sent: % ld \ n ", iResult);
Printf (" sending content: % s \ n ", sendbuf);

//shutdown the connection since no more data will be sent
IResult=shutdown (ConnectSocket SD_SEND);
If (iResult==SOCKET_ERROR) {
Printf (" shutdown failed with error: % d \ n ", WSAGetLastError ());
Closesocket (ConnectSocket);
WSACleanup ();
return 1;

//the Receive until the peer closes the connection
Do {

IResult=recv (ConnectSocket, recvbuf recvbuflen, 0).
If (iResult & gt; 0)
Printf (" Bytes received: % d \ n ", iResult);
Else if (iResult==0)
Printf (" Connection closed \ n ");
The else
Printf (" recv failed with error: % d \ n ", WSAGetLastError ());

} while (iResult & gt; 0);

//the cleanup
Closesocket (ConnectSocket);
WSACleanup ();
return 0;

The server side
 # undef
# define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN


//Need to link with Ws2_32. Lib
# pragma comment (lib, "Ws2_32. Lib")
//# pragma comment (lib, "Mswsock. Lib")

# define DEFAULT_BUFLEN 512
# define DEFAULT_PORT "27015"

Int __cdecl main (void)
Int iResult;


Struct addrinfo * result=NULL;
Struct addrinfo hints.

Int iSendResult;
Char recvbuf [DEFAULT_BUFLEN];
Int recvbuflen=DEFAULT_BUFLEN;
Printf (" the from server: \ n ");
//Initialize Winsock
IResult=WSAStartup (MAKEWORD (2, 2), & amp; WsaData);
If (iResult!=0) {
Printf (" WSAStartup failed with error: % d \ n ", iResult);
return 1;

ZeroMemory (& amp; Hints, sizeof (hints));
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