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: unexpected end of file 'main' and found: the local function definitions are illegal


Is to change a thing in programming came after, before all have no, please help to see


Void zhucaidang ()
Printf (" * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");
Printf (" input * * 1 entry \ n ");
Printf (" * 2 shows a thesaurus * \ n ");
Printf (" modify * * 3 entry \ n ");
Printf (" delete * * 4 entry \ n ");
Printf (" * 5 english-chinese translation * \ n ");
Printf (" * 6 information preservation * \ n ");
Printf (" * 7 exit system * \ n ");
Printf (" * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");

Struct citiao {
Char danci [20].
Char fanyi [32].
} ciku [100].

Struct citiao test;

Int zhiling ()
int a;
Printf (" please enter instructions before digital \ n ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; A);
Return a;

Void shuru (int k, int c)
Printf (" please enter the word and its translation \ n ");
Int I=c;
K=k + I;
for(; i{
The scanf (" % s % s ", (ciku + I) - & gt; Danci (ciku + I) - & gt; Fanyi);

Void paixu (int) c
Int I=0, j;
for(; i{
for(j=0; j{
If (STRCMP ((ciku + j) - & gt; Danci, (ciku + j + 1) - & gt; Danci) & gt; 0)
Test=ciku [j];
Ciku [j]=ciku [j + 1);
Ciku [j + 1)=ciku [j];

Void xianshi (int) c
Int I=0;
Printf (" word list \ n ");
for(; i{
Printf (" % s \ n \ t % s ", (ciku + I) - & gt; Danci (ciku + I) - & gt; Fanyi);
If (c==0)
Printf (" no entries stored ");

B c int chazhao (int, int)
Char a, [20].
int i;
If (b==5)
Printf (" please enter to find spelling or translation \ n ");
Else if (b==4)
Printf (" please enter the need to delete the entry of keyword \ n ");
Else if (b==3)
Printf (" please enter the need to modify the terms of the keyword \ n ");
The scanf (" % s ", a);
for(i=0; i{
If (STRCMP ((ciku + I) - & gt; Danci, a)==0 | | STRCMP ((ciku + I) - & gt; Fanyi, a)==0)
The else
Printf (" input error \ n ");
return i;

Void xiugai (int int a, c, e, b)
Int a, I;
Printf (" * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");
Printf (" * 1 modify the word * \ n ");
Printf (" * * 2 modify translation \ n ");
Printf (" * * * * * * * * * * * * * \ n ");
Printf (" please enter instructions before digital \ n ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; A);
I=chazhao (c, b);
Printf (" please amend: \ n ");
If (a==1)
The scanf (" % s ", (ciku + I) - & gt; Danci);
Else if (a==2)
The scanf (" % s ", (ciku + I) - & gt; Fanyi);

Void shanchu (int int a, c, e, b)
Int I, j=0;
I=chazhao (c, b);
for(; i{
Ciku [I]=ciku [I + 1);

Int chucun (int) c
int i;
Ciku. TXT FILE * fp=fopen (" ", "w +");
If (fp==NULL)
Puts (" cannot open file!" );
return 0;
Fprintf (fp, "% d \ n", c);
for(i=0; i<=c; I++)
Fprintf (fp, "% s \ n \ t % s", (ciku + I) - & gt; Danci (ciku + I) - & gt; Fanyi);
The rewind (fp);

Int xieru (int) c
Int I=0;
The FILE * fp=fopen (" ciku. TXT ", "a");
If (fp==NULL)
Puts (" cannot open file!" );
return 0;
C=fscanf (fp, "% d", c);
Printf (" % d ", c);
Return the c;

Void main ()
Int a, k, c=0;
Xieru (c);
Zhucaidang ();
A=zhiling ();
if(a> 2)
Printf (" \ a ");
If (a==1)
Printf (" please input the number of terms to store \ n ");
The scanf (" % d ", & amp; k);
Shuru (k, c);
C=c + k;
Paixu (c);
Printf (" % s \ n \ t % s ", ciku - & gt; Danci ciku - & gt; Fanyi);
A=zhiling ();
If (a==2)
Xianshi (c);
Else if (a==3)
Xiugai (c, a);
Else if (a==4)
Shanchu (c, a);
C=c - 1;
Else if (a==5)
int i;
I=chazhao (c, a);
Printf (" % s % s ", (ciku + I) - & gt; Danci (ciku + I) - & gt; Fanyi);
Else if (a==6)
Chucun (c);

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