I have a ListView containing string items. I want to make it so that ListView's items show one by one with delay. And after each item appears, I want to wait about 2 seconds with a typing indicator and then the next item will appear. How will I do? Please give me the solution. Thanks!
CodePudding user response:
Try wrapping your widget around this widget https://pub.dev/packages/delayed_display. Please confirm if this works.
CodePudding user response:
You can use AnimatedListView
like this code below
// main.dart
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
title: 'Test',
theme: ThemeData(
primaryColor: Colors.green,
ColorScheme.fromSwatch().copyWith(secondary: Colors.greenAccent)),
home: const HomePage(),
class HomePage extends StatefulWidget {
const HomePage({Key? key}) : super(key: key);
_HomePageState createState() => _HomePageState();
class _HomePageState extends State<HomePage> {
// Items in the list
final _items = ["Item 0"];
// The key of the list
final GlobalKey<AnimatedListState> _key = GlobalKey();
// Add a new item to the list
// This is trigger when the floating button is pressed
void _addItem() {
_items.insert(0, "Item ${_items.length 1}");
_key.currentState!.insertItem(0, duration: const Duration(seconds: 1));
// Remove an item
// This is trigger when an item is tapped
void _removeItem(int index, BuildContext context) {
AnimatedList.of(context).removeItem(index, (_, animation) {
return FadeTransition(
opacity: animation,
child: SizeTransition(
sizeFactor: animation,
child: SizedBox(
height: 150,
child: Card(
margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 20),
elevation: 10,
color: Colors.red[400],
child: const Center(
child: Text("I am going away",
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 28)),
}, duration: const Duration(seconds: 1));
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: const Text('Test list'),
actions: [
onPressed: _addItem,
icon: const Icon(Icons.plus_one_outlined),
body: AnimatedList(
key: _key,
initialItemCount: 1,
padding: const EdgeInsets.all(10),
itemBuilder: (context, index, animation) {
return SlideTransition(
key: UniqueKey(),
position: Tween<Offset>(
begin: const Offset(-1, -0.5),
end: const Offset(0, 0),
child: RotationTransition(
turns: animation,
child: SizeTransition(
axis: Axis.vertical,
sizeFactor: animation,
child: SizedBox(
height: 150,
child: InkWell(
onTap: () => _removeItem(index, context),
child: Card(
margin: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 20),
elevation: 10,
color: Colors.primaries[
(index * 100) % Colors.primaries.length][300],
child: Center(
child: Text(_items[index],
style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 28)),