I stacked columns S through AB in this sheet.
with a =filter()
=filter({Storage!S2:S;Storage!U2:U;Storage!W2:W;Storage!Y2:Y;Storage!AA2:AA}, len({Storage!S2:S;Storage!U2:U;Storage!W2:W;Storage!Y2:Y;Storage!AA2:AA}))
and it ends up,
as desired
Is there any way to extract the values from other columns like Map, Side, Site, and Win/Loss from the exact rows the filter function returned?
CodePudding user response:
I understood that you whant to get "Death" and "Rd Time" of all rounds stacked on each other and join Map, Round, Side, Site, Strat?, Results and Plant? columns to the stacked columns, ok there is a better way than FILTER
- in the second sheet where you want the stacked columns on A2 Paste this formula
=QUERY({Data!H2:I,Data!A2:G;Data!J2:K,Data!A2:G;Data!L2:M,Data!A2:G;Data!N2:O,Data!A2:G;Data!P2:Q,Data!A2:G}," Select * Where Col1 is not null ")
to get the desired result as shown in the image
you can also make a copy for the