Procedure THIPSAPPFrm. ClientSocket1Read (Sender: TObject;
Sockets: TCustomWinSocket);
Fitem Sitem: Tlistitem;
The begin
Data analysis part slightly,,,,,,,
//here converts GB2312 Chinese decoding formats to decode unicode general Chinese format
Messtr:=UTF8Encode (Messtr);
Messtr:=UTF8Decode (Messtr);
//OAPPIMessage OIApp task will be submitted to the APP server data center
AttanceInt:=GetAttanceUser (mobileID, Messtr);
If (strtoint (copy (mobileID, 1, 1)) in [0.. 9]) and (length (Messtr) & gt; 1) and (AttanceInt=1) then//the judgment according to
the condition ofThe begin
If setfrm. OnRecSMSChB. Checked=true then
Messtr:=messtr + setfrm. HotelNoEdt. Text;
If setfrm. Prefixcheck. Checked=true then
Messtr:=messtr + setfrm. HotelSignatureEdt. Text; ;
Fitem:=tsendListV. Items. The Add;
With DataAPPCenter. AdoResultNum do
The begin
The close;
SQL. The Clear;
SQL. The Add (' Insert into SendFcsM ([InfoId], [ID], [SendFcsMobile], [SendFcsStr], [SendStatus], [TaskState], [readState], [No], [AddTime]) values (NEWID (), 0, ' '+ MobileID +' ' ', ' '+ Messtr +' ' ', 0,0,1,0, GETDATE ()) ");
If (InsertNum> 0) then
The begin
Fitem. ImageIndex:=2;
WriteLogInfo (true, 'SendFcsTaskAPPFaile: Mobile=' + MobileID + '; '+'. SendContent='+ Messtr)
End the else
The begin
Fitem. ImageIndex:=0;
DataConnTime. Enabled:=true;
Self. SendAlarm (MobileID, Messtr);//replacement text messages to mobile phone
WriteLogInfo (true, 'SendFcsTaskSuccess: Mobile=' + MobileID + '; '+'.='+ Messtr SendContent);
Fitem. ImageIndex:=0;
DataConnTime. Enabled:=true;
Self. SendAlarm (MobileID, Messtr);//replacement text messages to mobile phone
WriteLogInfo (true, 'SendFcsTaskSuccess: Mobile=' + MobileID + '; '+'.='+ Messtr SendContent);
Fitem. SubItems. Add (MobileID);
Fitem. SubItems. Add (Messtr);
Fitem. SubItems. Add (datetimetostr (now ()));
CodePudding user response:
Self. SendAlarm (MobileID, Messtr);//replacement text messages to mobile phones have any time this sentence has been measured,An average of five times per second, that is to say, you stick a function to run about 5 times per second, finish every 200 milliseconds to run
CodePudding user response:
Should be after you receive the treatment is too time-consuming, don't say 1 second article 10, is a second article 100 will not cardCodePudding user response:
Texting is slow or write database slow?CodePudding user response:
Build a list of data cache, the data received first list, and then open a thread processing data according to the order