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Statement on the spring configuration files often lead to can not find the beans


Org. XML. Sax. SAXParseException; LineNumber: 19; ColumnNumber: 10; CVC - elt. 1: can't find the elements' beans' statement, org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. XML. XmlBeanDefinitionStoreException:
Line 19 in the XML document from the ServletContext resource [/WEB - INF/classes/applicationContext. XML]
Is invalid. Nested exception is org. XML. Sax. SAXParseException; LineNumber:
19. ColumnNumber: 10; CVC - elt. 1: can't find the elements' beans' statement at org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. XML. XmlBeanDefinitionReader. DoLoadBeanDefinitions (XmlBeanDefinitionReader. Java: 396)
Mistake is could not find the statement element beans, but I have a beans declaration documents and
But this is a probability problem, it took me twenty minutes to run a lot of many, many times, a success, not to turn any file and rerun, a handful of success, I suspect the spring configuration file need to scan the text configuration file on the net, which led to frequent failure, this how to solve?
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