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Oracle: combining subqueries and aggregate functions


I am new to databases and Oracle and I am supposed to find in a table filled with all soccer teams of a World Cup all nations, which have the biggest amount of midfield players. This is the table structure:


I admit I am not really getting how subqueries can work together with aggregate functions. I tried to find the max amount of midfields in the table like this, but I am not getting any output:

SELECT DISTINCT nationname, count(role)
FROM player
GROUP BY nationname
HAVING COUNT(role) = (SELECT max(count(role))
                   FROM player
                   WHERE role = 'midfield'
                   GROUP BY nationname);

I also tried with a subquery in the FROM clause (I have seen on this site that many use this type of subquery) like this:

SELECT nationname, MAX(midfield) FROM 
( SELECT nationname, COUNT(role) midfield
  FROM player
  WHERE role = 'midfield'
  GROUP BY nationname) test
  GROUP BY nationname;

Ouput: enter image description here

With this query I am getting closer to the task but I cannot filter further the results in order to only get the Honduras-team.
What can i do for it? I would really appreciate any hint or help!

CodePudding user response:

In your inner query you select and group and then you can select first row when you order by counted roles.

select *
from (SELECT nationname, COUNT(role) midfield
      FROM player
      WHERE role = 'midfield'
      GROUP BY nationname)
where rownum = 1
order by midfield desc

If there will be more than one country that has the same max number of players in midfield position then use this:

SELECT nationname, COUNT(role) midfield
FROM player
WHERE role = 'midfield'
GROUP BY nationname
having count(role) in (select max(count(role)) 
                       from player 
                       where role = 'midfield' 
                       group by nationname)


CodePudding user response:

If you use rank analytic function (why not row_number? Because two (or more) teams can have the same number of midfield players), then you could

with temp as
  -- rank them first, by count of midfield players in descending order
  (select nationname, 
          rank() over (order by count(*) desc) rnk, 
          count(*) cnt
   from player
   where role = 'midfield'
   group by nationname
-- now, fetch nation which ranks as the highest
select nationname, cnt
from temp
where rnk = 1;
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