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Output string after sring.split("").map breaks into pieces on small screens


With great help from @pratik-wadekar I have the following working text animation. Now my problem is that when I test it on different screen sizes/mobile the animated word plants breaks into pieces. For example PLA and in the next line NTS. How can I avoid this? So it always keeps as one full word.

First I tried to add \xC2\xA0 – non-breaking space or   before and after the word but this doesnt help. The CSS word-wrap property allows long words to be able to break but unfortunately for the reverse case to make a word unbreakable there is no option.

It seems that the CSS word-break: "keep-all property is what I need but when I apply it, it still breaks into pieces on smaller screens.

The Codepen

And App.tsx:

import React from "react";
import { styled } from "@mui/material/styles";
import { Typography } from "@mui/material";

const AnimatedTypography = styled(Typography)`
 & {
   position: relative;
   -webkit-box-reflect: below -20px linear-gradient(transparent, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2));
   font-size: 60px;

 & span {
   color: #fbbf2c;
   font-family: "Alfa Slab One", sans-serif;
   position: relative;
   display: inline-block;
   text-transform: uppercase;
   animation: waviy 1s infinite;
   animation-delay: calc(0.1s * var(--i));

 @keyframes waviy {
   100% {
     transform: translateY(0);
   20% {
     transform: translateY(-20px);

interface Styles extends React.CSSProperties {
 "--i": number;

function App() {
 const string = "plants";
 return (
   <Typography variant={"h3"} fontWeight={"bold"}>
     All Your
       {string.split("").map((char, idx) => {
         const styles: Styles = {
           "--i": idx   1
         return (
           <span key={`${char}-${idx}`} style={styles}>
     in One Place

export default App;

CodePudding user response:

What you need is white-space: nowrap.

Please check


CodePudding user response:

Every single character is a separate <span>, so it's not parsed as a single word. One solution would be to simply make the parent a flex container:

<AnimatedTypography style={{display:"flex"}}>


CodePudding user response:

I think you need to use toString() after you use split and map. So it is a full word again

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