Home > Back-end >  Is there any way to transpose a HTML table using VBA?
Is there any way to transpose a HTML table using VBA?


I have a macro allows me send emails of monthly performance to each manager. Codes are as follow:

Sub OutlookEmailsSend()
    Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
    Dim objMail As Outlook.MailItem
    Dim lCounter As Long
    Dim endColumnNo As Long
    Dim a As Long
    Dim sFile As String
    endColumnNo = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Columns.Count
    Set objOutlook = Outlook.Application
    For lCounter = 2 To 3
        Set objMail = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem)
        objMail.To = Sheet1.Range("B" & lCounter).Value
        objMail.Subject = "Sales Summary"
        sFile = "Dear,<br><br>Please refer to below table for your performance<br><br><table border=1>"
        For a = 1 To endColumnNo
            sFile = sFile & "<tr><td>" & Cells(1, a) & "</td><td>" & Cells(lCounter, a) & "</td></tr>"
        objMail.HTMLBody = sFile
        Set objMail = Nothing
End Sub

The macro produce table like this


Please refer to below table for your performance

Name    Tom
Email   [email protected]
Item    Phone
Sales   123
Bonus   3213

However, I would like the table presents as follow

Name    Email                   Item     Sales  Bonus
Jack    [email protected]   Computer 342    23123

Is there any way can do this?

CodePudding user response:

For the sake of better readibility it might be helpful to organize the html creation in a function and to assign the function result to objMail.HTMLBody omitting the loops.

Btw you forgot the closing table tag </table> which wouldn't result in a valid html structure. - Of course, the most direct approach following the original code would be to follow the recommendation in comment to add the <tr>..</tr> tags outside the loop not forgetting the closing </table> tag.

    With Sheet1
        objMail.HTMLBody = getBody(.Range("A1",.Cells(1,EndColumnNo)),"Dear xx")`
    End With

The help function getBody() joins (a) headers and (b) table data based on a (c) clearly defined table structure.

Note: You can play around and change that definition to a more sophisticated html code with separate header tags, too..

Function getBody(rng    As Range, _
    Optional greetings  As String = "", _
    Optional HeaderList As String = "Name,Email,Item,Sales,Bonus")
Const Blanks As String = "  "
'a) get headers
    Dim headers As String
    headers = "  <td>" & Replace(HeaderList, ",", "</td><td>") & "</td>"
'b) join table data "<td>..</td>"
    Dim data As String
    data = Blanks & _
        Join(rng.Parent.Evaluate("""<td>""&" & rng.Address(0, 0) & " & ""</td>""") _
        , vbNewLine & Blanks)
'c) define table structure
    Dim tags()
    tags = Array(greetings, _
        "<table border='1'>", _
        " <tr>", headers, " </tr>", _
        " <tr>", data, " </tr>", _
'd) return joined function result
    getBody = Join(tags, vbNewLine)
End Function
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