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Pipe git command to sed output


I am trying to pipe output from git to sed, which will inturn replace a value in file.config that represents the last commit on a branch.

I am unsure how to do this using piping in bash. I thought maybe something like this? But it doesnt work (outputs nothing)

git rev-parse --short HEAD | sed -i 's/"commit".*:.*".*"/"commit": "${$_}"/g' file.config

Is this even possible, or is there a better approach I can take?

Contents of file.config

    "commit" : "684e8ba31"

Contents of file.config (after running command)

    "commit" : "${$_}"

Contents of file.config (expected output)

    "commit" : "441d6fc22"

Ouput from git rev-parse --short HEAD


CodePudding user response:

sed -i '/"commit" *:/s/: *"[^"]*"/: "'$(git rev-parse HEAD)'"/' file.config

will do it. You're confusing command-line arguments with stdin input. They're both good and widely-used ways of feeding the invoked program data but the differences in capacity and timing matter, so spend more time studying how they work.

CodePudding user response:

Simulating output from git call:

$ cat git.out

One idea where we capture the git output to a variable and then feed the variable to sed:

$ read -r sha < <(cat git.out)
$ sed -E "s/^(.*\"commit\"[^\"]*).*/\1\"${sha}\"/" file.config
    "commit" : "441d6fc22"


  • -E - enable extended regex support
  • (.*\"commit\"[^\"]*) - (1st capture group) everything from start of line up to and including "commit" and then everything that follows up to the first occurrence of a literal "
  • .* rest of line
  • \1\"${sha}"\" - replace with contents of 1st capture group followed by literal ", contents of sha variable and another literal "

Once satisified with the result the -i option can be added:

$ sed -Ei "s/^(.*\"commit\"[^\"]*).*/\1\"${sha}\"/" file.config
$ cat file.config
    "commit" : "441d6fc22"

Pulling original git call into the mix:

read -r sha < <(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
sed -Ei "s/^(.*\"commit\"[^\"]*).*/\1\"${sha}\"/" file.config
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