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replace function- No overload for this method takes 2 arguments


I am trying to perform a string replace, but it results in:"No overload for method Replace accepts 2 arguments."

What I need to do: fetch string(usernames) separated by "." and store only the 1st half.

input can be eu.rails.io or in.rails.io, or fr.rails.io

desired result eu, in, fr

geo = geo.Replace(".rails.io", "");

(declared this variable geo earlier)

//results in error— "No overload for the method Replace takes 2 arguments"

(edited with 'geo'var)

CodePudding user response:

Edit: If the Replace Method has an error, the variable geo might not be a string.

Multiple possibilities. You could replace the part ".rails.io" as you suggested:

string geo = "eu.rails.io";
geo = geo.Replace(".rails.io", string.Empty);

You could also split the string at the point, and only use the first part (you need to be sure, that the string you want to keep doesn't contain a dot):

string geo = "eu.rails.io";
geo = geo.Split('.')[0];

CodePudding user response:

username = username.Remove(username.IndexOf("."));
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