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How to return value from slot? Vuejs


vue-bootstrap has a table whose columns can be set via a template. But the fact is that the data for this template itself is taken from JSON, so I can’t figure out how to make a slot that will return a value back?

Example vue-bootstrap table template:


<template #cell(partners_total)="data">
        <span  v-if="data.item.hash">{{ data.item.hash }}</span>

      <template #cell(income)="data">
        <span  v-if="data.item.hash">{{ data.item.hash }} QDT</span>


As you can see, #cell(income)="data" as I understand it is a slot, but it returns inside the values ​​that are inside :items="data".

How it is implemented I can not understand?

Data for example:

transactions: [
          id: "hash",
          hash: "1643898128736718972368179623a6e6b"
          id: "income",
          hash: "1643898128736718972368179623a6e6b"
          id: "partners_total",
          hash: "1643898128736718972368179623a6e6b"

CodePudding user response:

Bind the data you want to send to the slot.

Parent component

<v-slot :data="data" />

Access it in consuming components

Child component


CodePudding user response:

BootstrapVue documentation keeps a "Component Reference" section at the bottom of each Component page. In that section, you'll find a Slots section, if the component has slots. Here's the one for b-table.

Every defined slot can be opened and there you'll find a description of what has been bound/injected into each slot scope.

Usage example:

<template #cell(partners_total)="{item, value, field, index}">
  {{ value }}
  {{ item[field.key] }}
  • item: current row's data, as an object.
  • field: current field (column), as an object
  • value: what would normally render in this cell
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