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Using grepl in a string replace function in R Programming


Trying to create function using grepl to replace a word in a string.

Airport_Name<-c("Adelaide Airport GOODFIND","GOODFIND DTS Land Airport Land ADTS",
                "Washington DTS INC GOODFINDAirport DTSUpdated",
                "DALLAS Airport TDS GOODFIND")


Created the below function

STR_Manip_F_M_L_V1 <- function(data=NULL,by_text1="GOODFIND",by_text2="Updated") {
  if(!require(glue)) {library(glue) }
  TFD <- TF_Data %>% 
    filter(grepl(glue("^{by_text1} "),Airport_Name) | 
             grepl(glue(" \\({by_text1}\\) "),Airport_Name) |
             grepl(glue(" \\({by_text1}\\$"),Airport_Name) )
  TFD$Airport_Name <- str_replace(TFD$Airport_Name = glue("^{by_text1} "),replacement = glue("^{by_text2} ") )

Error :
Error: object 'TFD' not found.

CodePudding user response:

Several problems here:

  1. You define data in the function arguments but use TFD_Data. This is not causing an error but is a logical mistake, making reproducibility and troubleshooting a bit more difficult.

  2. Your use of str_replace is not quite right, don't "name" the arguments as you've done here. (Or ... perhaps just change your = to a comma ...).

Since you're using dplyr earlier, I think it's good to stay in that mode ... try this:

STR_Manip_F_M_L_V1 <- function(data=NULL,by_text1="GOODFIND",by_text2="Updated") {
  out <- data %>% 
    filter(grepl(glue("^{by_text1} "),Airport_Name) | 
             grepl(glue(" \\({by_text1}\\) "),Airport_Name) |
             grepl(glue(" \\({by_text1}\\$"),Airport_Name) ) %>%
    mutate(Airport_Name = str_replace(Airport_Name, paste0("^", by_text1), by_text2))

#   Airport_ID                       Airport_Name
# 1       3002 Updated DTS Land Airport Land ADTS
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