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On a simple decision problem, consult everybody bosses


Only if the following two paragraphs source difference between the else part of the former on the oj can't all through, the latter can, thinking for a long time to make impassability, please bosses kangkang
 # include & lt; Iostream> 
# include & lt; Iomanip>
# include & lt; Cmath>
using namespace std;
Int main () {
Int n, v1, v2, t;
Cin & gt;> n> V1 & gt;> V2 & gt;> t;
If (v1 * t & gt;=t + v2 * n& & T<{
=1000)Double final_t=(double) n/(v1, v2);
Cout & lt; }
The else cout & lt; <"1";
return 0;

 # include & lt; Iostream> 
# include & lt; Iomanip>
# include & lt; Cmath>
using namespace std;
Int main () {
Int n, v1, v2, t;
Cin & gt;> n> V1 & gt;> V2 & gt;> t;
Double final_t=1.0 * n/(v1, v2);

If (final_t & gt; T | | final_t & lt; 0 {
Cout & lt; <"1";
The else cout & lt; return 0;

Attached to the topic: there are two cars. A, b n meters apart, on the right side of the a, b and regulation, to the right as the positive direction, start from time zero, a, b, respectively in v1, v2 speed (m/s), ask at time t (s), the car can be met, if can meet, meet the output moment (unit s, round two decimal places after the decimal point), if not the output 1,
Input: a line, four integer, n, v1, v2, and t (0 & lt;=n, | v1, | | | v2, t
=1000)Output: a line, a number, if can meet, as long as there is a time of two cars from 0, even to meet), meet the output moment; If can't meet, output 1
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