Home > Back-end >  Three stored procedure code execution at the same time the first can return to the other two data se
Three stored procedure code execution at the same time the first can return to the other two data se


The function TReportBase. CreateDbProcedure (AReportModule: TReportModule; AProcName: string;
The out ADOStoredProc: TADOStoredProc) : Boolean;
StrList: TStrings;
S, sPar, sMessage, sValue sParameter: string;
I, iIndex: integer;
The begin
If AProcName="' then the exit;
IIndex:=Pos (' (', AProcName);
If iIndex & gt; 0 then
The begin
SMessage:='began to execute the stored procedure: + AProcName (' +' parameters;
If ADOStoredProc<> Nil then FreeAndnil (ADOStoredProc);
ADOStoredProc:=TADOStoredProc. Create (nil);
StrList:=TStringList. Create;
ADOStoredProc. Connection:=FDataConnect. SqlCnn;
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. The Clear;
ADOStoredProc.Com mandTimeout:=1200;
ADOStoredProc. ProcedureName:=copy (AProcName, 1, iIndex - 1);
S:=copy (AProcName iIndex + 1, MaxInt);
S:=StringReplace (s') ', ' ', []);
StrToStrings (s, ', ', StrList);
For I:=0 to StrList. Do the Count - 1
The begin
SParameter:=trim (StrList [I]);
If (AReportModule. ConfigDataSet. DataSet<> Nil) and (AReportModule ConfigDataSet. DataSet. FindField (sParameter) & lt;> Nil) then
The begin
AReportModule. ConfigDataSet. DataSet. First;
AReportModule. ConfigDataSet. DataSet. MoveBy (AReportModule. ConfigDataSet. Row);
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 255,
AReportModule. ConfigDataSet. DataSet. FieldbyName (sParameter). AsString) are identical.
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule. ConfigDataSet. DataSet. FieldbyName (sParameter). AsString + ', ';
End else if sParameter='StartYear then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 4, AReportModule. Year);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule Year + ', ';
End else if sParameter='Year' then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 4, AReportModule. Year);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule Year + ', ';
The Month end else if sParameter=' 'then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 4, AReportModule. The Month).
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule Month + ', ';
End else if sParameter='ProjectCode then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 500, AReportModule. ProjectCode);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule ProjectCode + ', ';
End else if sParameter='TermCode then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 500, AReportModule. TermCode);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule TermCode + ', ';
End else if sParameter='UnitCode then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 500, AReportModule, UnitCode);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule TermCode + ', ';
End else if sParameter='Version' then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 500, AReportModule. Version);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule Version + ', ';
End else if sParameter='YS_SGT_MAIN_FK then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 500, AReportModule. Expand_FK);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule Expand_FK + ', ';
End else if sParameter='Expand_FK then
The begin
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ StrList [I], ftString, pdInput, 500, AReportModule. Expand_FK);
SMessage:=sMessage + AReportModule Expand_FK + ', ';
End else if pos ('='sParameter) & gt; 0 then
The begin
SPar:=copy (StrList [I], 1, pos ('='sParameter) - 1);
SValue:=copy (StrList [I], pos ('='sParameter) + 1, MaxInt);
ADOStoredProc. The Parameters. CreateParameter (' @ '+ sPar, ftString, pdInput, 2, sValue);
SMessage:=sMessage + sParameter + ', ';

SMessage:=sMessage + '); ';

If Assigned (FOnProcLogEvent) then
FOnProcLogEvent (Self, sMessage);
ADOStoredProc. ExecProc;
Except on E: the Exception do
The begin
If Assigned (FOnProcLogEvent) then
FOnProcLogEvent (Self, 'execute the stored procedure error, error stored procedure name "' + AReportModule. ProcName + '" error message' + E.M essage);
FreeAndNil (ADOStoredProc);
The Exit;
ADOStoredProc. Active:=true;
If ADOStoredProc. RecordCount> 0 then
The begin
FOnProcLogEvent (Self, 'stored procedures successfully returns data set);

End the else
The begin
FOnProcLogEvent (Self, 'stored procedure returns failure data sets);
Except on E: the Exception do
The begin
If Assigned (FOnProcLogEvent) then
FOnProcLogEvent (Self, 'the stored procedure returns no data sets, error message:' + e.M essage);
FreeAndNil (ADOStoredProc);
The Exit;
The finally
StrList. Free;

What's going on, need to solve, first thanked everybody!
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