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RMarkdown: Customize Color and Font Size of (automated) Citations


I am fairly new to RMarkdown and trying to apply some LaTeX logic here. Currently, I am creating a PDF presentation with RMarkdown (beamer_presentation). Is it possible to change the font size and color of automatic citations ([@shortname]) so that e.g., all citations appear slightly smaller than the normal text and in gray? In LaTeX beamer presentations, I managed to re-define the cite command and apply this. I was not yet able to recreate this in RMarkdown however.

When I was trying to manually (I'd much prefer automatic a solution) change the font color of citations \textcolor{gray}{[e.g., @shortname]} (also $\textcolor{gray}{[e.g., @shortname]}$), I received this error message:

I was unable to find any missing LaTeX packages from the error log slides.log. ! Missing $ inserted. $ l.182 \end{frame} Try to find the following text in slides.Rmd: \end{frame} You may need to add $ $ around a certain inline R expression r in slides.Rmd (see the above hint). See enter image description here

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