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How can I allign some text next to an image in Rshiny?


For my R shiny dashboard I want to add some information about the teammembers. Here I want to show a picture of each team member and then add some information right to the image. I can not get this working.

What I have now:

  tabPanel('Team & Contact', 
              tags$h1('Project team')
             , tags$img(src = 'Man_1_rood.jpg', style = 'border-radius: 50%', width = '100px')
             , tags$br(), h6('Person 1')
             , h6('Senior Scientist')
             , h6('Some very interesting text about person 1.')
             , tags$br()
             , tags$img(src = 'Man_1_rood.jpg', style = 'border-radius: 50%', width = '100px')
             , h6('Person 2')
             , h6('Researcher')
             , h6('Some very interesting text about person 2.')
             , tags$br()
             , tags$img(src = 'Man_1_rood.jpg', style = 'border-radius: 50%', width = '100px')
             , tags$br(), h6('Person 3')
             , h6('Data Scientist')
             , h6('Some very interesting text about person 3.')

server <- function(input, output, session) {}

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

This results in: enter image description here

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