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Python Pandas - Applying function to a list of values for each row


I have a table (df1) with a list of values (neig_list, which is a python list) in each row

ID neig_list
1 a, b, d
2 b, e, f, g, h
3 b, a, j, k

And a table (df2) with entries for those values

neig samples samples_indicator
'a' 3 0.5
'a' 5 0.1
'b' 1 0.2
'c' 15 0.5
'd' 12 0.3
'a' 2 1
'e' 5 0.6
'f' 6 0
'h' 6 0.5

I need to add a column to df1 getting, for each row, the result for the sum of samples x samples_indicator for all neigs that are contained in the neig_list for that row.

For example, for the first row, we would have:

3*0.5 5*0.1 1*0.2 12*0.3 2*1 = 7.8

ID neig_list new_column
1 a, b, d 7.8
2 b, e, f, g, h value
3 b, a, j, k value

Actually, the function is more complicated than that (involves more columns), so ideally I'd like to have a separate function and then apply it to df1, based on df2.

CodePudding user response:

Calculate first your math in df2:

map_ = df2.assign(neig = df2['neig'].str.strip("'"), 
                  calculated = lambda df: df['samples'] * df['samples_indicator'])\

Then, explode your first df, and map the values above for 'a', 'b' etc with the calculated formula. Finally, groupby and sum:

df['new_column'] = df['neig_list'].str.split(', ').explode()\

   ID      neig_list  new_column
0   1        a, b, d         7.8
1   2  b, e, f, g, h         6.2
2   3     b, a, j, k         4.2

CodePudding user response:

You can just define a function that performs the calculations for a given list of neigs using df2 and then just apply it to neig_list in df1:

def result(row):
    return sum([df2['samples'][item]*df2['samples_indicator'][item] for item in row])

df1['new_column'] = df1['neig_list'].apply(result)

Note that this requires neig to be the index in df2. If it's not, you can do df2.set_index('neig', inplace=True) or, if you don't want to modify d2:

def result(row):
    return sum([df2.set_index('neig')['samples'][item]*df2.set_index('neig')['samples_indicator'][item] for item in row])

and apply it the same way as before.

CodePudding user response:

Here's a way to do what your question asks:

def foo(df1, df2):
    return (df1
                df2.assign(new_column=df2.samples * df2.samples_indicator)[['neig','new_column']].groupby('neig').sum(), 
print(foo(df1, df2))


   ID        neig_list  new_column
0   1        [a, b, d]         7.8
1   2  [b, e, f, g, h]         6.2
2   3     [b, a, j, k]         4.2


  • use assign() to add new_column as a column to df2 which, using groupby() and sum(), gets populated with the dot-product of samples and samples_indicator for the rows in each neig group
  • use assign() to clone the neig_list column of df1 as neig and explode() to expand each row to one row per item in the neig column
  • use join() on the above two DataFrame objects to put sample results from new_column into each row based on its neig value
  • use join() again with the above DataFrame object (after dropping the neig and neig_list columns) to add the desired column to the original df1.
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