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How to find the value in an array?


How to to find the value in an array, below i have given the code so far what i done.

 double finVal = 300;
    string[] dbvals ={"8^10","16^18","24^34","32^63","40^116","48^215","56^397","64^733","72^1354","80^2500"};
    for (int l = 0; l < dbvals.Length() ; l  )
     string[] lc = dbvals[l].Split('^');
      double xl = Convert.ToDouble(lc[0]);
      double yl = Convert.ToDouble(lc[1]);
            -- i want to find the value between 48 to 56
            --how to do it

CodePudding user response:

The following should get what you are after, dotnetfiddle sample

private static void BetweenTwoNumbers()
    double firstAssertion = 300; 

    string[] doubleValues =
        "8^10", "16^18", "24^34", 
        "32^63", "40^116", "48^215", 
        "56^397", "64^733", "72^1354", 

    for (int index = 0; index < doubleValues.Length; index  )
        var parts = doubleValues[index].Split('^');
        var part1 = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]);
        var part2 = Convert.ToDouble(parts[1]);

        if (part2 > firstAssertion && part1 is >= 48 and <= 56)
            Console.WriteLine($"[{part1}], [{part2}]");



CodePudding user response:

Verify the code :

I didn't want the answer as 48 or 56. the answer is between them . Verify the following code, this solves my purpose.

Link : https://dotnetfiddle.net/M2TDWT

using System;

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        double finVal = 300;
        double oldval1 = 0;
        double oldval2 = 0;
        double ansval = 0;
        string[] dbvals = {"8^10", "16^18", "24^34", "32^63", "40^116", "48^215", "56^397", "64^733", "72^1354", "80^2500"};
        for (int index = 0; index < dbvals.Length; index  )
            var parts = dbvals[index].Split('^');
            var part1 = Convert.ToDouble(parts[0]);
            var part2 = Convert.ToDouble(parts[1]);
            if (part2 > finVal)
                ansval= Math.Round( (Convert.ToDouble(8)/Convert.ToDouble(part2-oldval2))*(finVal-oldval2));
                Console.WriteLine("The Given Find Value = "  finVal);
                Console.WriteLine("The current first Array Element = "  part1);
                Console.WriteLine("The current second Array Element = "  part2);
                Console.WriteLine("The previous first Array Element = "  oldval1);
                Console.WriteLine("The previous second Array Element = "  oldval2);
                Console.WriteLine("The Difference between first Array Element = "  (part1-oldval1));
                Console.WriteLine("The Difference between second Array Element = "  (part2-oldval2));
                Console.WriteLine("The Difference between findvalue and previous second array = "  (finVal-oldval2));
                Console.WriteLine("The Calculation : (firstarraydiff)/(secondarraydiff)*(givenfindval-previoussecondarrayvalue)");
                Console.WriteLine("The result (previoussecondarrayvalue calculatedvalue) = "   (oldval1 ansval));
                Console.WriteLine("The Finded Value "  (ansval));
                oldval1 = part1;
                oldval2 = part2;
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