Home > Back-end >  Add column to state whether two purchases were made by same customer within 30 days
Add column to state whether two purchases were made by same customer within 30 days


I have a dataset that I can reduce to two columns - firstly, CustomerID, secondly, SaleDate. I have already taken steps to ensure that this dataset includes only customers with at least two sales. I would like to add a 3rd column which states whether or not the second sale (or 3rd sale compared to the second etc.) was within 30 days of the previous sale.

CustomerID SaleDate
1 14/09/2021
1 30/09/2021
1 03/10/2021
2 23/07/2021
2 24/07/2021

With the new column entitled 'SaleDate' adding a '1' if the resale is within 30 days of the previous sale and a '0' if not (e.g. it's the first sale or not within 30 of the previous sale). So the end result in this case would be:

CustomerID SaleDate ResaleWithin30
1 14/09/2021 0
1 30/09/2021 1
1 03/10/2021 1
2 23/07/2021 0
2 24/07/2021 1

Any advice on this would be very much appreciated, thank you.

CodePudding user response:

You can use lag to check whether the next record is within 30 days of the present record.


df %>% 
  group_by(CustomerID) %>% 
  mutate(SaleDate = as.Date(SaleDate, tryFormats = "%d/%m/%Y"),
         ResaleWithin30 = as.integer(SaleDate - lag(SaleDate) <= 30),
         ResaleWithin30 = replace_na(ResaleWithin30, 0))

# A tibble: 5 × 3
# Groups:   CustomerID [2]
  CustomerID SaleDate   ResaleWithin30
       <int> <date>              <int>
1          1 2021-09-14              0
2          1 2021-09-30              1
3          1 2021-10-03              1
4          2 2021-07-23              0
5          2 2021-07-24              1
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