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Use StretchDIBits, don't write any color palette code can also show that black and white and 25


Use StretchDIBits, don't write any palette color code can also show that black and white and 256 BMP bitmap
Center code is as follows:
PDC - & gt; SetStretchBltMode (COLORONCOLOR); Choose the display mode
Unsigned char * pImgData=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(unsigned char *) (pDoc -> m_pDib + sizeof (BITMAPINFOHEADER) + colortablecount * sizeof (RGBQUAD));

CRect the rect.
GetClientRect (the rect);
StretchDIBits (pDC - & gt; GetSafeHdc (), 0, 0, the rect. Width (), the rect. Height (), 0, 0, m_biWidth, m_biHeight, pImgData,

No front loading palette but can also show how be to return a responsibility? Or is already without palette?

CodePudding user response:

Many were written without can automatic identification

CodePudding user response:

The bitmap and color depth, don't have to write a palette of seemingly more than eight,,,

CodePudding user response:

ICM: execution of color management, if the specified BITMAPINFO bmiHeader does not contain BITMAPV4HEADER or BITMAPV5HEADER in the structure, the color of the current equipment environment configuration (profile) is used as the source color configuration (profile), if there is no color files, then use RGB, if the specified BITMAPINFO structure members of the bmiHeader contains BITMAPV4HEADER or BITMAPV5HEADER, then put an icon in the specified color configuration (profile) is used as the source color configuration,
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