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TIdHTTP controls the header file contains and library files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


TIdHTTP * idhtp1;//need to include the corresponding header file
Want to use this control, just the header file contains and library files in addition to the problem, very embarrassed... Aunt asked counsel

Questions as follows:
No matter whether to include the header file

# include & lt; IdBaseComponent. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdComponent. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdHTTP. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdTCPClient. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdTCPConnection. Hpp>

Error display as follows:
Error: [ILINK32 Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Idhttp: : TIdCustomHTTP: : Get (System: : UnicodeString)' referenced from C: \ USERS \ ADMINISTRATOR \ DESKTOP \ WANWAN \ DEBUG \ TTIDHTTP1 OBJ

Feel like I can't find all files, but I # include and lib paths are included inside indy10 folder path, and manual to search, indy10 folder also has a few. HPP file, why still go wrong?

If the connection library file is as follows:

# pragma link "IdBaseComponent
"# pragma link "IdComponent
"# pragma link "IdHTTP
"# pragma link "IdTCPClient
"# pragma link "IdTCPConnection
Will error:

[ILINK32 Error] Fatal: Unable to open file 'IDBASECOMPONENT. OBJ'

Is not generated. Obj file.. What is the reason? Aunt for rescue, the younger brother novice, ask the question more small white.. Aunt o...

CodePudding user response:

O great god to care...

CodePudding user response:

Connection library file after the errors are similar... Can't find the. Obj files..
# pragma link "IdBaseComponent
"# pragma link "IdComponent
"# pragma link "IdHTTP
"# pragma link "IdTCPClient
"# pragma link "IdTCPConnection

If not connect library file out of the error are also similar, is
Error: [ILINK32 Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Idhttp: : TIdCustomHTTP: : Get (System: : UnicodeString, Classes: : TStream *)' referenced from C: \ USERS \ ADMINISTRATOR \ DESKTOP \ WANWAN \ DEBUG \ TTIDHTTP1 OBJ
Such a... Ask for help

CodePudding user response:

for attention

CodePudding user response:

Directly drag controls the window in the IDE, should contain these automatically,

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor songhtao response:
directly drag controls the window in the IDE, should contain these automatically,

Drag controls to force ah.. Drag controls will directly with these header files and libraries, and has a very strange thing, is pulling the controls after the success of the operation, before I wrote those without pulling the control program can also be compiled by the... This is why

CodePudding user response:

reference 4 floor songhtao response:
directly drag controls the window in the IDE, should contain these automatically,
webmaster eldest brother, can you tell the younger brother is why? Because the environment has a corresponding. Obj file?

CodePudding user response:

Directly drag controls the window in the IDE, automatically generated:
# include & lt; IdHTTP. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdTCPClient. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdTCPConnection. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdHTTPServer. Hpp>
# include & lt; IdTCPServer. Hpp>
I'm also use this control, the following is the code:
TStringStream * re=new TStringStream (" ");
TStringList * send=new TStringList;
The send - & gt; Add (UTF8Encode (" D: \ \ chyeyshipin \ \ 45 XML "));
The send - & gt; SaveToStream (re);
AnsiString strUrl="HTTP:// The account=ss& Groupcode=02 ";
IdHTTP1 - & gt; Post (strUrl, re, re);
Delete the send;
The delete re;
Also through compiling, but received the address, excuse me what reason?
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