The column id name gender
1 zhang SAN men
2 li si female
3 rencent male
And I want to design, when "name=rencent", make the rencent is shown as "detective", how to do?
CodePudding user response:
Should be able to rewrite in redraw eventCodePudding user response:
GetText eventCodePudding user response:
Use the query to more simple:ACCESS version
Select id, iif (name='rencent', 'Cathy' name) as name, gender, the from table
The SQL version
Select id, Case when name='rencent' then 'Cathy' else name end as name, gender, the from table
CodePudding user response:
Under the GetText events to write!Ha ha!
CodePudding user response:
Set the DBGrid pickvalue and keyvalue,CodePudding user response:
The select decode (name, 'rencent', 'Cathy' name)... From the tableCodePudding user response:
Many methods are upstairs