Home > Back-end > O Windows interface on the left side of the cascade menu control see attached screenshot
O Windows interface on the left side of the cascade menu control see attached screenshot
I download a stand-alone program on the net, think of interface on the left side of the cascade menu control rather easy to use, each menu item on the left side of the has an icon and point number + can expand the next level menu, have which friend can provide such a control? I thank you in advance,
CodePudding user response:
Can't see your picture, but should be a TTreeView, controls With tens of thousands of teacher blogs TTreeView tutorial http://www.cnblogs.com/del/category/127351.html
CodePudding user response:
No PIC,,,,
CodePudding user response:
I'm not talking about the Treeview control! I had been using a third party controls Trzgroupbar cannot establish a cascading menu, I said that the cascading menus, the attached pictures as follows, which friend to provide such control?