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How do I remove duplicates where one has a null value in Python?



I have a dataframe with duplicates for most of the columns, except the last column. I want to exclude duplicates with null values, and keep duplicates with valid values. I then want to take the duplicate values out and create a separate dataframe with it. At the moment, my approach is laborious (especially as I have a large dataframe).


Starting Dataframe

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

data_input = {'Student':     ['A', 'A',          'B', 'B',            'C',      'D',      'E',      'F', 'F',         'G',     "H",     "H"], 
              "Subject": ["Law", "Law",      "Maths", "Maths",    "Maths", "Law",    "Maths",  "Music", "Music", "Music", "Art", "Art"], 
              "Checked":  ["Bob", "James",    np.nan,  "Jack",     "Laura", "Laura",  np.nan,    np.nan, "Tim",   "Tim",   "Tim", np.nan]}
# Create DataFrame
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data_input)

enter image description here

Desired Output

enter image description here

First Attempt

attempt1 = df1.sort_values(['Student', 'Checked'], ascending=False).drop_duplicates(["Student", "Subject"]).sort_index()

I took this from another Q&A on Stack, but it does not give me the outcome I want and I don't understand it.

Attempt 2

#Create Duplicate column
df1["Duplicates"] = df1.duplicated(subset=["Student", "Subject"], keep=False)

#Create list of rows with no duplicates
df_new1 = df1[df1["Duplicates"]==False]

#Create list of rows with duplicates & remove all those with null values
df_new2 = df1[df1["Duplicates"]==True]
df_new3 = df_new2[~df_new2["Checked"].isnull()]

#Combine unique rows, and duplicates without null values
#Keep duplicates without null values
df_new = df_new1.append(df_new3)

#Tidy up
df_new = df_new[["Student", "Subject", "Checked"]].sort_values(by="Student")


I can then create a list of the duplicates that both appear valid

#Create separate list of duplicates with valid "Checked" values
df_new["Duplicates"] = df_new.duplicated(subset="Student", keep=False)
conflicting_duplicates = df_new[df_new["Duplicates"]==True]


Is there a better way of doing this?

CodePudding user response:

You could create a new helper column using np.where which will flag the rows that satisfy the conditions you specified. If I understand you correctly you want to keep the rows that are duplicated in 'Student' and 'Subject', and also have a null value in 'Checked' column.

You can then use drop to remove the flagged ones:

import numpy as np

df1['to_drop'] = np.where(
     ) & (df1['Checked'].isnull()),1,0)



   Student Subject Checked
0        A     Law     Bob
1        A     Law   James
3        B   Maths    Jack
4        C   Maths   Laura
5        D     Law   Laura
6        E   Maths     NaN
8        F   Music     Tim
9        G   Music     Tim
10       H     Art     Tim

CodePudding user response:

You can use groupby and drop NaN values

df.groupby("Student", sort=False).apply(lambda x : x if len(x) == 1 else x.dropna(subset=['Checked'])).reset_index(drop=True)

Output :

This gives us the expected output

  Student Subject Checked
0       A     Law     Bob
1       A     Law   James
2       B   Maths    Jack
3       C   Maths   Laura
4       D     Law   Laura
5       E   Maths     NaN
6       F   Music     Tim
7       G   Music     Tim
8       H     Art     Tim

CodePudding user response:

My take using Boolean indexing:

s_idx = ~(df1[(df1.duplicated(subset=['Student','Subject'],keep=False))])['Checked'].isna()

idx = [x for x in df1.index.values if x not in s_idx[~s_idx].index]



   Student Subject Checked
0        A     Law     Bob
1        A     Law   James
3        B   Maths    Jack
4        C   Maths   Laura
5        D     Law   Laura
6        E   Maths     NaN
8        F   Music     Tim
9        G   Music     Tim
10       H     Art     Tim

CodePudding user response:

Use boolean indexing:

# is the group containing more than one row?
m1 = df1.duplicated(['Student', 'Subject'], keep=False)
# is the row a NaN in "Checked"?
m2 = df1['Checked'].isna()
# both conditions True
m = m1&m2

# keep if either condition is False 

# to get dropped duplicates
# keep if both are True


   Student Subject Checked
0        A     Law     Bob
1        A     Law   James
3        B   Maths    Jack
4        C   Maths   Laura
5        D     Law   Laura
6        E   Maths     NaN
8        F   Music     Tim
9        G   Music     Tim
10       H     Art     Tim
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