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ADOQuery DBGrid paging display data


Don't say the SQL statement is used to implement paging, I didn't ID field in the table, don't know whether to use ADOQuery properties for demand in this picture, if you can, beg god give detailed steps! http://ymg97526.blog.163.com/blog/static/1736581602011332353527/this link is others use DELPHI implementation, but I was using a c + + BUILDER, who can give the code in the c + + BUILDER!

CodePudding user response:

Var Page: Integer=1;

//custom things

Procedure TForm1. ShowRecordSetData;

Var I, j: Integer;

Item: TListItem;

The begin

If Page<1 then Page:=1;

If Page> ADOQuery1. You. PageCount then Page:=ADOQuery1. You. PageCount;//PageCount: total number of page

ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePage:=Page;//AbsolutePage: specify the current page

Edit1. Text:=IntToStr (Page);

ListView1. Items. The Clear;

For I:=1 to ADOQuery1. You. PageSize do

The begin

Item:=Listview1. Items. The Add;

Item. Caption:=IntToStr (ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePosition);//AbsolutePosition: record pointer position

Item. ImageIndex:=1;

For j:=0 to ADOQuery1. Do FieldCount - 1

The begin

If ADOQuery1. Fields [j]. Journal of DataType=ftFloat then

Item. SubItems. Add (SysUtils. FormatFloat (' # # # #, # # #. 00 ', ADOQuery1. You. The Fields [j]. Value))

The else

Item. SubItems. Add (ADOQuery1. You. Fields [j]. Value);


ADOQuery1. You. MoveNext;

If ADOQuery1. You. EOF then Exit;


//Edit1. Text:=IntToStr (Page); . This sentence to buy before, so when you exit if EOF is true, that can't to assignment Exit1


Procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);

The begin




Procedure TForm1. Button2Click (Sender: TObject);

The begin

System. Dec (Page);//Page:=Page - 1;



Procedure TForm1. Button3Click (Sender: TObject);

The begin

System. The Inc (Page);



Procedure TForm1. Button4Click (Sender: TObject);

The begin

Page:=ADOQuery1. You. PageCount;



Procedure TForm1. Button5Click (Sender: TObject);

The begin

Page:=SysUtils. StrToIntDef (Edit1. Text, 0).



Procedure TForm1. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);

Var Col: TListColumn;

I: Integer;

The begin

ADOQuery1. The ConnectionString:='. The Provider=Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; + '

'Data Source=e: \ McMygs MDB. + '

'Persist Security Info=False; + '

'the Jet OLEDB: Database Password=';

ADOQuery1. Close;

ADOQuery1. SQL. Text:='Select FPHM, bhsje, se, JSHJ from zyfp';

ADOQuery1. Open;

//ADOQuery1. You: page positioning function; Data sets can be paged processing

ADOQuery1. You. PageSize:=12;//each page shows the number of records; Needs to be in on the data set to

Label2. Caption:=Format (' % d pages in total, [ADOQuery1. You. PageCount]);

//TViewStyle=(vsIcon vsSmallIcon, vsList, vsReport);

ListView1. ViewStyle:=vsReport;

Col:=Listview1 Columns. The Add;

Col. Caption:='No.';

For I:=0 to System. Mr Pred (ADOQuery1. Fields. Count) do

The begin

Col:=Listview1 Columns. The Add;

Col. Caption:=ADOQuery1. Fields [I] FieldName.

Col. Alignment:=taRightJustify;

Col. AutoSize:=True;


Listview1. RowSelect:=True;//select the entire line

Listview1. GridLines:=True;//show the line

Listview1. SmallImages:=ImageList1;


A translation first,
the author
//var Page: Integer=1;
Int Page=1;
//custom things

//procedure TForm1. ShowRecordSetData;
Void TForm1: : ShowRecordSetData ()
//var I, j: Integer;
int i,j;
//Item: TListItem;
TListItem * Item;
//Item=new TListItem ();
//the begin

//if Page<1 then Page:=1;
If (Page<1) Page=1;

//if Page> ADOQuery1. You. PageCount then
If (Page> ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; PageCount)
//Page:=ADOQuery1. You. PageCount;//PageCount: total number of page
Page=ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; PageCount;
//ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePage:=Page;//AbsolutePage: specify the current page
ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; AbsolutePage=Page;
//Edit1. Text:=IntToStr (Page);
Edit1 - & gt; Text=IntToStr (Page);

//ListView1. Items. The Clear;
ListView1 - & gt; The Items - & gt; The Clear ();

//for I=1 to ADOQuery1. You. PageSize do
for(i=1; i<=ADOQuery1. You. PageSize; I++)
//the begin
//Item:=Listview1. Items. The Add;
The Item=Listview1 - & gt; The Items - & gt; The Add ();

//Item. Caption:=IntToStr (ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePosition);//AbsolutePosition: record pointer position
Item - & gt; Caption=IntToStr (ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; AbsolutePosition);
Item - & gt; ImageIndex=1;

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