Don't say the SQL statement is used to implement paging, I didn't ID field in the table, don't know whether to use ADOQuery properties for demand in this picture, if you can, beg god give detailed steps! link is others use DELPHI implementation, but I was using a c + + BUILDER, who can give the code in the c + + BUILDER!
CodePudding user response:
Var Page: Integer=1;
//custom things
Procedure TForm1. ShowRecordSetData;
Var I, j: Integer;
Item: TListItem;
The begin
If Page<1 then Page:=1;
If Page> ADOQuery1. You. PageCount then Page:=ADOQuery1. You. PageCount;//PageCount: total number of page
ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePage:=Page;//AbsolutePage: specify the current page
Edit1. Text:=IntToStr (Page);
ListView1. Items. The Clear;
For I:=1 to ADOQuery1. You. PageSize do
The begin
Item:=Listview1. Items. The Add;
Item. Caption:=IntToStr (ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePosition);//AbsolutePosition: record pointer position
Item. ImageIndex:=1;
For j:=0 to ADOQuery1. Do FieldCount - 1
The begin
If ADOQuery1. Fields [j]. Journal of DataType=ftFloat then
Item. SubItems. Add (SysUtils. FormatFloat (' # # # #, # # #. 00 ', ADOQuery1. You. The Fields [j]. Value))
The else
Item. SubItems. Add (ADOQuery1. You. Fields [j]. Value);
ADOQuery1. You. MoveNext;
If ADOQuery1. You. EOF then Exit;
//Edit1. Text:=IntToStr (Page); . This sentence to buy before, so when you exit if EOF is true, that can't to assignment Exit1
Procedure TForm1. Button1Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
Procedure TForm1. Button2Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
System. Dec (Page);//Page:=Page - 1;
Procedure TForm1. Button3Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
System. The Inc (Page);
Procedure TForm1. Button4Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
Page:=ADOQuery1. You. PageCount;
Procedure TForm1. Button5Click (Sender: TObject);
The begin
Page:=SysUtils. StrToIntDef (Edit1. Text, 0).
Procedure TForm1. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
Var Col: TListColumn;
I: Integer;
The begin
ADOQuery1. The ConnectionString:='. The Provider=Microsoft Jet. The OLEDB. 4.0; + '
'Data Source=e: \ McMygs MDB. + '
'Persist Security Info=False; + '
'the Jet OLEDB: Database Password=';
ADOQuery1. Close;
ADOQuery1. SQL. Text:='Select FPHM, bhsje, se, JSHJ from zyfp';
ADOQuery1. Open;
//ADOQuery1. You: page positioning function; Data sets can be paged processing
ADOQuery1. You. PageSize:=12;//each page shows the number of records; Needs to be in on the data set to
Label2. Caption:=Format (' % d pages in total, [ADOQuery1. You. PageCount]);
//TViewStyle=(vsIcon vsSmallIcon, vsList, vsReport);
ListView1. ViewStyle:=vsReport;
Col:=Listview1 Columns. The Add;
Col. Caption:='No.';
For I:=0 to System. Mr Pred (ADOQuery1. Fields. Count) do
The begin
Col:=Listview1 Columns. The Add;
Col. Caption:=ADOQuery1. Fields [I] FieldName.
Col. Alignment:=taRightJustify;
Col. AutoSize:=True;
Listview1. RowSelect:=True;//select the entire line
Listview1. GridLines:=True;//show the line
Listview1. SmallImages:=ImageList1;
A translation first,
the author
//var Page: Integer=1;
Int Page=1;
//custom things
//procedure TForm1. ShowRecordSetData;
Void TForm1: : ShowRecordSetData ()
//var I, j: Integer;
int i,j;
//Item: TListItem;
TListItem * Item;
//Item=new TListItem ();
//the begin
//if Page<1 then Page:=1;
If (Page<1) Page=1;
//if Page> ADOQuery1. You. PageCount then
If (Page> ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; PageCount)
//Page:=ADOQuery1. You. PageCount;//PageCount: total number of page
Page=ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; PageCount;
//ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePage:=Page;//AbsolutePage: specify the current page
ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; AbsolutePage=Page;
//Edit1. Text:=IntToStr (Page);
Edit1 - & gt; Text=IntToStr (Page);
//ListView1. Items. The Clear;
ListView1 - & gt; The Items - & gt; The Clear ();
//for I=1 to ADOQuery1. You. PageSize do
for(i=1; i<=ADOQuery1. You. PageSize; I++)
//the begin
//Item:=Listview1. Items. The Add;
The Item=Listview1 - & gt; The Items - & gt; The Add ();
//Item. Caption:=IntToStr (ADOQuery1. You. AbsolutePosition);//AbsolutePosition: record pointer position
Item - & gt; Caption=IntToStr (ADOQuery1 - & gt; You - & gt; AbsolutePosition);
Item - & gt; ImageIndex=1;