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How to tell Route to ignore the ending part


Angular 12. Both URLs below should be handled by the same component DishComponent. (Preferably one entry to handle both):

  1. /menu/:dishid
  2. /menu/:dishid/whatever_is_optional_and_tobe_ignore

The last part /whatever_is_optional_and_tobe_ignore is free-text decoration only, chef can change it anytime, insignificant and to be ignored. Based on post1 and post2, so this in my routing

{path: 'menu',
    { path: ':id',      pathMatch:'full', component:  DishComponent },
    { path: ':id/**',    pathMatch:'full', component:  DishComponent }

Well, /menu/12/helloworld ends into 404

CodePudding user response:

    path: 'menu/:id',
    children: [{ path: '**', component: DishComponent }],

A path is only wildcard when it's exactly '**'

path: 'menu/**' literally matches to mywebsite.com/menu/** and nothing else

Also you only have to use pathMatch: 'full' when there's a concern that the default pathMatch: 'prefix' will trigger unintentionally, which doesn't seem like the case here.

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