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How can I put an initial value on my TextFormField with a Controller?


How can I display my "teamName" value in the AlertDialog form while keeping the controller and not use "InitialValue" from my TextFormField? This is when I update the team name, I want the form to show it's name when the AlertDialog shows up. I am new to flutter, if you need anything else from my code just tell me.

AlertDialog alert = AlertDialog(
                                      title: const Text(
                                          "Modifier le nom de votre équipe"),
                                      content: Form(
                                        key: _thekey,
                                        child: TextFormField(
                                          controller: textController,
                                          validator: (val) => val?.length == 0
                                              ? "Indiquez un nom d'équipe s'il vous plait"
                                              : null,
                                          onSaved: (val) =>
                                          textController.text = val!,
                                      actions: [
                                            onPressed: (() {
                                              teamName = textController.text;
                                              print("le nom de la teamsss est : $teamName");
                                              setState(() {
                                                    "le nom de l'équipe est: $teamName");

                                            child: const Text("Modifier"))
                                        barrierDismissible: true,
                                        context: context,
                                        builder: (BuildContext ctx) {
                                          return alert;

The alertDialog is supposed to get the teamName from a ListView. The prints with "$teamName" shows the right name, the update method works but I just want the field to have the initial name on it.

This is the update method if you need it as well

updateTeam(idTeam, textController, idCoach, context) async {
  final statAccess = DatabaseModel();
  SharedPreferences sp = await _pref;
  idCoach = sp.getInt("id");
  String nameControl = textController.text;
  print("le nameControl est: $nameControl");
  if (nameControl.isEmpty) {
    alertDialog("le nom est vide", false);
  } else {
    Teams team =
        Teams(idTeam: idTeam, nameTeam: nameControl, xidCoach: idCoach);
    await statAccess.updateTeam(team).then((value) {
      if (value == 1) {
        alertDialog("Mise à jour réussie", true);
        Navigator.of(context, rootNavigator: true).pop();
      } else {
        alertDialog("la mise à jour à foiré", false);
    }).catchError((error) {
      alertDialog("CA A VRAIMENT FOIRER", false);

CodePudding user response:

Use TextEditingController.fromValue( to set initial value

      TextEditingValue(text: "MYInitial Value"));

If you like show hint use hintText

  decoration: InputDecoration(
    hintText: "myHint text"

CodePudding user response:

Please follow the suggestions provided by yeasin sheikh also please add a stateful builder in the alert dialog for the state to be set like

  context: context,
  builder: (context) {
    return StatefulBuilder(
      builder: (context, setState) {
        return AlertDialog(
          title: Text("Title of Dialog"),
          content: Text("some content"),
          actions: [
              onPressed: () {
                setState(() {
              child: Text("setstateexample"),
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