I got errors when running tests
django.urls.exceptions.NoReverseMatch: Reverse for 'interfacegraph' with no arguments not found. 1 pattern(s) tried: ['interfacegraph/(?P<device>[A-Z0-9.]{12,15})/(?P<interface>\\d )/(?P<graph>\\d )/graph/']
Here is the urls.py
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'interfacegraph/(?P<device>[A-Z0-9.]{12,15})/(?P<interface>\d )/(?P<graph>\d )/graph',
InterfaceGraphViewSet.as_view({'get': 'graph'}), name='interfacegraph'),
And heres the line of code in tests where the test throws errors
response = self.client.get(
reverse('interfacegraph'), {'device': 'device', 'interface': 'interface', 'graph': 'traffic'},
The viewset is extending generics viewset
class InterfaceGraphViewSet(viewsets.GenericViewSet):
Any idea how to test this?
CodePudding user response:
You don't actually pass arguments to reverse function. Use it that way:
reverse('interfacegraph', kwargs={'device': 'device', 'interface': 'interface', 'graph': 'traffic'})
Also another problem is here:
You are passing 'device'
, that does not fit that regex. It checks uppercase letters and digits, so in given string you have exactly 0
Learn about regex. You can also not use it at all, like:
path('interfacegraph/<str:device>/<int:interface>/<int:graph>/graph', ...)