Home > Back-end >  moveColumns not moving to correct location when column number is lower than target
moveColumns not moving to correct location when column number is lower than target


I am currently using the moveColumns() function to move a column whenever it is not placed as column J (10). When the column is moved to a higher position, the function correctly moves the column back to J. However, when the column is placed at a lower position, the column is moving to I instead.

My script is as follows currently:

  var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var dataName = "Data";

  var dataSheet = ss.getSheetByName(dataName); // Data sheet

  var barOnePos = 10;
  var barOnePosA1Notation = columnToLetter(barOnePos);
  var barOneName = "Royalty Splits / Rights Management";

  var currBarOnePos = getColumnId(dataSheet, barOneName);
  var currBarOnePosA1Notation = columnToLetter(currBarOnePos)   "1";


  if (currBarOnePos != barOnePos) {
    SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert("\""   barOneName   "\" should be column "   barOnePosA1Notation   ". This will be fixed automatically.", SpreadsheetApp.getUi().ButtonSet.OK);
    dataSheet.moveColumns(dataSheet.getRange(currBarOnePosA1Notation), barOnePos);

Could anyone explain why this is the case?

CodePudding user response:

Modification points:

  • I thought that in the case of When the column is moved to a higher position, the function correctly moves the column back to J., the columns below the column "J" are not moved. By this, the column is moved to the correct position.
  • On the other hand, in the case of when the column is placed at a lower position, the column is moving to I instead., for example, when the column "A" is moved to the column "J", one column is reduced from the columns below the column "J".
    • I thought that the reason of your issue is due to this.

In order to move the column to the correct position, how about modifying your script as follows?


dataSheet.moveColumns(dataSheet.getRange(currBarOnePosA1Notation), barOnePos);


var srcCol = dataSheet.getRange(currBarOnePosA1Notation);
dataSheet.moveColumns(srcCol, srcCol.getColumn() < barOnePos ? barOnePos   1 : barOnePos);
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