does someone know how to get multiple xml data to MS Excel? I'm trying to download the xml files from URL to excel, but unfortunately there are multiple files and each file has it's own URL.
Do I have to manually type in each and every URL and "paste" it to Excel or is there a automated method?
Thanks in advance
CodePudding user response:
I have developed a VBA code that download all the xml files and fill a worksheet.
Some keys you must understand:
- It's a VBA code (programming language)
- It will download all the files, so it will take a time depending of your internet connection, cpu and ram
- Some of the xml files have a different number of properties, you have to handle it. As I implemented a generic logic, if a xml has fewer properties or they are in a different order the worksheet will be inconsistently.
- Open a new Excel file
- Right-Click on Tab sheet and click on View Code
- Select Sheet1 on the left window (Project)
- Paste all the code below
- Go to Tools > References and check in
- "Microsoft XML, v6.0"
- "Microsoft VBScript Regular Exception 5.5" and click on OK
- Press the play button on the toolbar and wait
Const BaseUrl = ""
Sub Main()
Dim Matches As Object
Set Matches = GetFileList()
Dim Row As Integer: Row = 2
Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
For Each Match In Matches
objXML.LoadXML (GetContent(BaseUrl & Match.SubMatches(0)))
'Fill the columns headers
If (Row = 2) Then
With objXML.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes
For ColNum = 1 To 16
Worksheets(1).Range(Cols(ColNum - 1) & 1).Value = .Item(ColNum - 1).BaseName
End With
End If
'Fill the data
With objXML.DocumentElement.FirstChild.ChildNodes
For ColNum = 1 To 14
Worksheets(1).Range(Cols(ColNum - 1) & Row).Value = .Item(ColNum - 1).Text
End With
Row = Row 1
Next Match
End Sub
Function GetContent(Url As String) As String
Debug.Print Url
With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
.Open "GET", Url, False
.setRequestHeader "User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0"
GetContent = .responseText
End With
End Function
Function GetFileList() As Object
Dim Regex As Object
Set Regex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With Regex
.Pattern = ">(.*.xml)<"
.MultiLine = True
.Global = True
End With
Set GetFileList = Regex.Execute(GetContent(BaseUrl))
End Function
Function Cols()
Cols = Array("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z")
End Function