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Write distributed processing in the control layer, the value of the key in a hashmap - is not the me


Error message: the 2020-10-4 11:22:23 org. Apache. Struts. Actions. DispatchAction unspecified
Severe: Request [/modifyBoard] does not contain handler parameter named action
Only the two line information!!!!!

The JSP page

Struts - config. XML
Input="./pageface JSP "
Type="action. CcAction
"The parameter="process" & gt;

The action of control layer
I wrote an action here just simple
When using hashmap but to perform, the following two methods are not implemented!!!!!
Public class ccAction extends LookupDispatchAction
Protected Map getKeyMethodMap () {
The Map Map=new HashMap ();
The map. The put (" button. Add ", "addMethod");
The map. The put (" button. Select ", "selectMethod");
Return the map;


Public ActionForward addMethod (ActionMapping mapping, actionforms form,
It request, HttpServletResponse response) throws the Exception
System. The out. Println (" addMethod ");

Public ActionForward selectMethod (ActionMapping mapping, actionforms form,
It request, HttpServletResponse response) throws the Exception
System. The out. Println (" selectMethod ");

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