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Vscode debug c hint parameter format is not correct


Vscode debug c + + hint parameter format is not correct
The diagram below the red box part of the

But I use the above enter debug command at the command line input and can produce normal exe file, as shown in figure in the blue box part,
And run code runner is no problem, as the chart can be run normally,

I use with file is as follows:
1. The tasks. Json
"Tasks" : [
"Type" : "shell",
"Label" : "g + +",
"Command" : "D: \ \ ProgramFile \ \ PROL \ \ mingw64 \ \ bin \ \ g + + exe",
//"command" : "g + +. Exe,"
"Args" : [
"" ${file} \ ", "
"- o,"//specify the output file name, without this parameter, the default output a.e xe
\ \ "" ${fileDirname} ${fileBasenameNoExtension} the. Exe \ ", "
"G",//generation and debugging information
"Hunt",//open additional warning
"- static - libgcc",//static link
"- STD=C + + 17"//C the latest standards for c11, or according to your own need to change
"Options" : {
"CWD" : "${workspaceFolder}
"ProblemMatcher" : "$GCC"],
"Group" : {
"Kind" : "build,"
"IsDefault" : true
"Version" : "2.0.0

2. Launch. Json
//Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
//Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
//For more information, visit: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/? Linkid=830387
"Version" : "0.2.0,"
"Configurations:" [
"Name" : "g + +. Exe - generating and commissioning activities file",
"Type" : "CPPDBG,"
"Request" : "launch",
"The program" : "${fileDirname} \ \ ${fileBasenameNoExtension}. Exe",
"Args" : [],
"StopAtEntry" : false,
"CWD" : "${workspaceFolder},
"The environment" : [],
"ExternalConsole" : false,
"MIMode" : "the GDB,"
"MiDebuggerPath" : "D: \ \ ProgramFile \ \ PROL \ \ mingw64 \ \ bin \ \ GDB exe",
"SetupCommands" : [
"Description" : "for GDB is enabled in print,"
"Text", "- the enable - pretty - printing",
"IgnoreFailures" : true
"PreLaunchTask" : "g + +"

3. C_cpp_properties. Json
"Configurations:" [
"Name" : "Win32",
"CompilerPath" : "D: \ \ ProgramFile \ \ PROL \ \ mingw64 \ \ bin \ \ g + + exe",
"IncludePath" : [
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include/c + + ",
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include/c + +/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32,
""D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include/c + +/backward, "
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include ",
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include - fixed,
""D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/../../../../x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/include "
"Defines" : [
"__cdecl=__attribute__ ((__cdecl__))"
"IntelliSenseMode" : "clang - x64,"
"Browse" : {
"LimitSymbolsToIncludedHeaders" : true,
"DatabaseFilename" : ", "
"Path" : [
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include/c + + ",
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include/c + +/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32,
""D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include/c + +/backward, "
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include ",
"D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/include - fixed,
""D:/ProgramFile/PROL/mingw64/bin/../lib/GCC/x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/8.1.0/../../../../x86_64 - w64 - mingw32/include "
"CStandard" : "c11,"
"CppStandard" : "c + + 17
"Version" : 4

This is what happened, friend know please check it,
Thank you,
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