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Have account and password to log in directly with a url
Every time login enter account and password of trouble; More than one account sharing use; Don't want to tell other people the password, how to realize a link directly to login? Website: https://jcdz.jchl.com My idea is as follows; Get the login page by F12 and the required parameters, https://jcdz.jchl.com/v1/edf/user/login? Account=& amp; ClearText=U2YyNjAzMzg4 & amp; IsReturnValue=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/true&mobile=XXXXXXXX&password=XXXXXXX&remember=true&requestUrl=jcdz.jchl.com&version=v1.0.50.1867 Through this return is not login success page; But a pile of parameters,
I didn't paste out of the back is too long. Can see the login is successful; But why not return to normal page? Which help solve the great god, I am not a computer professional, if too profound don't understand,
CodePudding user response:
This request professional speaking, because you have only a token login is successful, and not jump to the success of the page, , for example, now need to do pass into the community, for example, you take your id card and residence permit (equivalent to account and password) to the security room to deal with passport, id card and residence right after the security guards gave you pass (equivalent to the above {" token ":" eyJh... The content of a string), you simply pass in the security room, you are still in the outside, there is no your house into the neighbourhood (your house is equivalent to the success of the page)
CodePudding user response:
So I have to how to operate? The question has bothered me for months