Home > Back-end >  Postgresql, Get the top 5 products that have increased in value from yesterday to today, returning t
Postgresql, Get the top 5 products that have increased in value from yesterday to today, returning t


I have a pricing table that contains the pricing data for products. There are around 600 unique product_id, each currently having 4 days worth of pricing data, which will eventually go up to 30 days. The table below is a small subset of the data to represent that table structure:

date product_id price_trend
2022-08-21 1 0.08
2022-08-22 1 0.18
2022-08-23 1 0.30
2022-08-21 2 0.15
2022-08-22 2 0.20
2022-08-23 2 0.22

So in my script, for each product_id I am trying to get yesterdays price_trend and todays price_trend and then calculate the price_delta between the two. I then order by price_delta and limit the results to 5.

I am having some issues as in some cases yesterdays price_trend is 0 and then todays price trend is 0.50 for example. This does not mean that the price trend has increased, but mostly likely that price_trend was not gathered yesterday for whatever reason.

Now I would like to remove any records where price_trend for today or yesterday equals 0, however, when I add AND pricing.trend_price > 0 the value return is just null instead.


    (SELECT pricing.trend_price 
     FROM pricing 
     WHERE pricing.product_id = magic_sets_cards_identifiers.mcm_id 
        AND pricing.date = (SELECT MAX(date) - INTERVAL '2 DAY' FROM pricing)
        AND pricing.trend_price > 0) AS price_yesterday,
    (SELECT pricing.trend_price 
    FROM pricing 
    WHERE pricing.product_id = magic_sets_cards_identifiers.mcm_id
        AND pricing.date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM pricing)
        AND pricing.trend_price > 0) AS price_today, 
    ((SELECT pricing.trend_price 
      FROM pricing 
      WHERE pricing.product_id = magic_sets_cards_identifiers.mcm_id 
        AND pricing.date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM pricing)) - 
    (SELECT pricing.trend_price 
     FROM pricing 
     WHERE pricing.product_id = magic_sets_cards_identifiers.mcm_id 
        AND pricing.date = (SELECT MAX(date) - INTERVAL '2 DAY' FROM pricing))) AS price_delta
FROM magic_sets
    JOIN magic_sets_cards ON magic_sets_cards.set_id = magic_sets.id
    JOIN magic_sets_cards_identifiers ON magic_sets_cards_identifiers.card_id = magic_sets_cards.id
    JOIN pricing ON pricing.product_id = magic_sets_cards_identifiers.mcm_id
WHERE magic_sets.code = '2X2'
    AND pricing.date = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM pricing)
ORDER BY price_delta DESC


name price_yesterday price_today price_delta
"Fiery Justice" null 0.50 0.50
"Hostage Taker" 3.50 4.00 0.50
"Damnation" 17.02 17.33 0.31
"Bring to Light" 0.42 0.72 0.30
"City of Brass" 17.41 17.68 0.27

I would like to get it so that the "Fiery Justice" in this example is just ignored.

CodePudding user response:

with the use of rank() you can get the output ., Look into...

Query without null rows :

with cte as (Select
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 1 THEN price_trend ELSE null END) today, 
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 2 THEN price_trend ELSE null END) yesterday,
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 1 THEN price_trend ELSE 0 END) -
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 2 THEN price_trend ELSE 0 END) as diff
rank() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY date DESC) as rank
FROM tableName where price_trend>0 and  date between current_date-5 and current_date-4) p
WHERE rank in (1,2) 
GROUP BY product_id
) select * from cte where (case when today is null or yesterday is null then 'NULL' else 'VALID' end)!='NULL'

Query with null values :

SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 1 THEN price_trend ELSE 0 END) today, 
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 2 THEN price_trend ELSE 0 END) yesterday,
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 1 THEN price_trend ELSE 0 END) -
SUM(CASE WHEN rank = 2 THEN price_trend ELSE 0 END) as diff
rank() OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY date DESC) as rank
FROM tableName where date between current_date-5 and current_date-4) p
WHERE rank in (1,2)
GROUP BY product_id

Change the condition :

where date between current_date-3 and current_date-2


product_id  today   yesterday   diff
1   0.06    0.02    0.04
2   0.64    0.62    0.02
    date    date,
    product_id  int,
    price_trend numeric(9,2)

INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-21 ', '1 ', '0.02');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-22 ', '1 ', '0.06');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-23 ', '1 ', '0.10');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-24 ', '1 ', '0.13');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-25 ', '1 ', '0.18');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-26 ', '1 ', '0.30');

INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-21 ', '2 ', '0.62');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-22 ', '2 ', '0.64');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-23 ', '2 ', '0.69');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-24 ', '2 ', '0.78');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-25 ', '2 ', '0.88');
INSERT INTO tableName (date ,product_id ,price_trend) VALUES ('2022-08-26 ', '2 ', '0.90');
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