Home > Back-end >  Reuse <svg> <text> element <def> by passing in a text parameter to a <symbol>
Reuse <svg> <text> element <def> by passing in a text parameter to a <symbol>


I have created a <symbol> to be reused many times in a document, and it works very well:

    <linearGradient id="grad1" x1="0%" y1="0%" x2="100%" y2="100%">
      <stop offset="0%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,255,0);stop-opacity:1" />
      <stop offset="100%" style="stop-color:rgb(255,125,0);stop-opacity:1" />
    <polygon id="hexagon" points="10,0 1.5,5 1.5,15 10,20 18.5,15 18.5,5" />
    <polygon id="checkmark" points="3.5,21 5,19 7.5,22 15,14 16,15.5 7.5,24.5"/>
    <symbol id="awsHex" viewBox="2 -2 300 300">
      <use href="#hexagon" transform="translate(0 0) scale(4)"
        stroke-width="0.5" />
      <use href="#hexagon" transform="translate(30 14)" 
            fill="#00AA00" opacity="100%" />
      <use href="#checkmark" transform="translate(30,5.5)" fill="#FFF" />

It works well and I can use it multiple times like this:

  <use href="#awsHex" transform="translate(0 0)" /> 
  <use href="#awsHex" transform="translate(120 0)"/>  
  <use href="#awsHex" transform="translate(60 105)"/>  
  <use href="#awsHex" transform="translate(180 105)"/>

I would like to put a text element in the <symbol> so I can keep multiplying reuse while keeping the text inside the symbol.

<ref id="paramText" param="text-label">hexLabel</ref>
<symbol id="awsHex" viewBox="2 -2 300 300">
  <use href="#hexagon" transform="translate(0 0) scale(4)"
        stroke-width="0.5" />
  <use href="#hexagon" transform="translate(30 14)" 
            fill="#00AA00" opacity="100%" />
  <use href="#checkmark" transform="translate(30,5.5)" fill="#FFF" />
  <text id="myLabel" x="40" y="50" font-family="Helvetica" 
            font-weight="bold" text-anchor="middle" fill="white" font-size="10">
    <tref xlink:href="#paramText" />
    <param name="text-label" value="text-label" />

That obviously doesn't work, which is why I'm here.

Is there no way to reuse a symbol with a text element by passing in and overriding the text content? It seems I can override any attributes, but not the content of the element?

Is there a workaround to overcome this difficulty of svg? It looks like they were working on this in the SVG standard but maybe it is not implemented yet? SVG Parameters docs

CodePudding user response:


Even if you could, symbols are not intended to be parameterised. Symbols are for when you want to reuse the identical graphic multiple times.

You could use a symbol to represent the background of your text graphic, then just add a new <text> element each time for the text part.

Or you could use javascript to implement a custom element.

<thing text="whatever"/>

Your JS would look for every <thing> elements and replace it with a <symbol> element and a <text> element.

  •  Tags:  
  • svg
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