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CHotKeyCtrl hotkey of the forehead


CHotKeyCtrl controls the control, in fact the resources in the toolbar Hot_Key controls.
Through SkinHotKeyCtrl rewrite CHotKeyCtrl after class, in SkinHotKeyCtrl OnPaint () function,
Fill the background color
CPaintDC dc (this);
CRect rcClient;
GetClientRect (& amp; RcClient);
Dc. FillSolidRect (rcClient, RGB (0, 255));//the control in Beijing is set to red,
But the control's border (edge) still bear the default color is white color (RGB (255255255))
Then I change this plan:
CClientDC ClientDC (this);
GetClientRect (& amp; RcClient);
The ScreenToClient (& amp; RcClient);
COLORREF rcColorBK=RGB (0, 255);
CSkinRenderManger * pSkinRenderManager=CSkinRenderManger: : GetInstance ();
ClientDC. FillRect (rcClient, & amp; CBrush (rcColorBK));
ClientDC. Draw3dRect (rcClient. Left + 1, rcClient. Top + 1, rcClient. The Width () - 2,
RcClient. Height () - 2, rcColorBK, rcColorBK);
Border color is drawn out, at this time but beyond the border, white is also unable to change. The.
Still doesn't work, border (edge) color, have the master know, come over guide.
Note: SkinHotKeyCtrl control only response to a WM_PAINT message generated OnPaint () function, the rest of the message response.
Which master can help to solve it, I thank you???
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